
Angewandte Kunst Schneeberg - College of Applied Art Schneeberg

Department of Westsächsische Hochschule Zwickau
University of Applied Science


Prof. Thomas Pöpper

Schneeberg is located in south-eastern Germany, in the Ore-Mountains in and close to the Czech border. Cities such as Dresden, Leipzig, Weimar and Prag arerelatively nearby.

College Philosophy

The faculty believes that the student needs to acquire and develop a broad view of cultural values and historical perspectives. They believe, that such student are thus better equipped to understand the many and varied interrelationships that exist within their own community and in the world at large.
The college offers a competency-based course to prepare students to become graduates for employment in a variety of settings. The school has a 125 year history in program and course work.

Admission Policies

The Academy is committed to policies of non-discrimination and equal opportunity.
Please contact us by mail, phone or fax:

Angewandte Kunst Schneeberg
Fakultät der Westsächsischen Hochschule Zwickau
Goethestraße 1
08289 Schneeberg

+49 375 536 0
+49 3772 2894 2

Study prerequisites:

College graduation (A level) (qualifying for university entrance)
Vocational training
Qualification entrance examination and personal interview

Fees for living accommodation: approximately 600,00 Euro per month
Applications, the Academy Year and the period of study
Application deadline: applications must be received by 15th May
Registration required for Wintersemester only.
Wintersemester begins with enrollment on September 1st.
Lectures begin in October.

Period of study

8 Semesters

Studying in Schneeberg means taking advantage of

  • an informal campus atmosphere
  • the best possible equipped studios, workshops and computer pools
  • concentrated work in small groups
  • well founded education in both practice and theory
  • intensive tutoring

and securing chances through

  • a link-up between technology and economics
  • world openness and interdisciplinarity
  • the diverse cultural life in the Leipzig-Zwickau-Chemnitz area
  • regional traditions and modern trends

Studying with pleasure and benefit ? backed by 130 years of history yet
oriented towards the future

And it means low cost of living and inexpensive living quarters.

Prof. Dr. Hannes Vereecke

Evelin Meinel
+49 375 536 1825
+49 3772 2894 2

Isabel Helmer
+49 375 536 1819
+49 3772 2894 2

Angewandte Kunst Schneeberg
Goethestraße 1
08289 Schneeberg