Summerschool Musical Instrument Making

The summerschool offers both established and early-career instrument makers the opportunity to gain practical training in specialized areas related to instrument making and to expand their theoretical knowledge. The lectures cover not only instrument-specific topics but also offer insights that are highly relevant to musical instrument making in general.

The focus is on string and plucked instruments.


September 2, 2024Valentin Oelmüller: Historical Peg Turning
September 3-6, 2024Alexis Schilbach: Retouching and Crack Repair (Violin)more information
September 9, 2024Claudia Fritz: Practical Violin Acoustics
September 9-10, 2024Jens Feldhaus + Anthony Kreher: Shifting Modes –
The Acoustics of (Steel-String) Guitars
more information
September 11-12, 2024Candeniz Kudu + Richard Berbig: Fusion 360 –
From the first Sketch to Finished Components (Part 1 + 2)
September 13, 2024Jochen Röthel + Wolfgang Kieser:  The Kieser Guitar Collection

M. L. Neubert + C. Döpel + J. Zentner: Reverse Engineering of Musical Instruments

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more information

September 14, 2024Candeniz Kudu + Richard Berbig: Fusion 360 –
From the first Sketch to Finished Components (Part 3)
more information

Many lectures will take place over the weekend of September 6-8, 2024. You can find the detailed program here. (Program changes are possible.)

All lectures are free and open to the public. Participation in the workshops is also free. Preregistration by email is possible until August 1, 2024, and is required for participation. (Note: Limited number of spots, first-come, first-served.)

The summerschool is part of the research project WIR! – iMaTech – SummerSchool für Fachkräfte der Region im Musikinstrumentenbau (03WIR0418), a cooperative project of the WHZ – University of Applied Sciences Zwickau and i-Ma-Tech. It is founded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) as part of a WIR! Alliance initiative in musical instrument making (