
We are pleased that you would like to apply for studies at the Faculty of Applied ArtsSchneeberg!

Both for the course of studies Design in Schneeberg, as well as for the course of studies Musical Instrument Making in Markneukirchen, aptitude tests are required, which will takeplace in presence in the coming June 2025.

Enrollment for studies takes place exclusively in the winter semester.The application deadline for the winter semester 2023/24 is May 31, 2025.



Details on the application procedure

1. registration for the qualifying examination is possible by means of the digital registration form
until May 31, 2025 for enrollment in the winter semester.
Application form

2. please send your application documents with curriculum vitae and certificates (school and training
certificates) by mail to AKS.Studienangelegenheiten[at] by May 31, 2025.

3. After successful registration, you will receive an invitation to the qualifying examination in June by email, as well as a list of working materials that you should bring to the qualifying examination.
Please also bring your application portfolio with you.

4. The qualifying examinations will take place in Schneeberg on 3/4 June 2024 and 17/18 June 2025.

Only after passing the aptitude test is enrollment at the West Saxon University of Applied Sciences
Zwickau possible.

Department of Student Affairs
Ms. Isabel Helmer
E-Mail:  AKS.Studienangelegenheiten[at]
Telephone: +49 375 536-1819 or +49 375 536-1800

All information about application documents, the aptitude test and application portfolio can be
found here in PDF format:
Information for applicants B.A. Design

Information on how to apply can be found on the pages of the Musical Instrument Making program.