Artistic-creative basics

The basic studies – consisting of the artistic-creative and the scientific-theoretical basics – area component of all fields of study and extend in different proportions over the entire courseof study.

Within the artistic-creative basics, a versatile study program is developed that creates aninterdisciplinary basis for visual and creative processes. Experimental and systematicapplications of diverse creative methods form the basis for topic-related design work.

The spectrum of media that can be experienced, discovered and used ranges from handdrawings to 3D animation. Additional offerings and corresponding elective options supportthe students' individual profiling parallel to their specialized studies.The conceptual structure of the basic artistic-design studies, which ranges from basic designknowledge to artistic profiling, characterizes a special quality feature of the SchneebergFaculty of Applied Arts.

Study offers | Study results

Division Manager
Prof. Thomas Knoth

Prof. Volker Schönwart
Dipl. designer (FH) Anja Werner
Dipl. designer Erika Jansen
Designer M.A. Alina Herzau
Designer M.A. Markus Weber