Scientific-theoretical basics
The basic studies – consisting of the scientific-theoretical and the artistic-design basics – arepart of all fields of study and extend in different proportions over the entire course of study.
Scientific-theoretical basics are taught in the subjects of art and design history, psychologyof perception, aesthetics and economics, as well as specialized English, and are offered bothacross programs (i.e. within the curricula of the B. A. Design and the B. A. MusicalInstrument Making) and across fields of study (fashion design, wood design, textileart/textile design). Forms of teaching include lectures, seminars, exercises and excursions.Scientific demands, interdisciplinarity and a variety of methods as well as an applicationorientedpreparation of the material characterize the working methods of the department, which is also active in the field of art historical and design scientific research.
The goal is to lay the foundation for comprehensive expertise in the aforementioned areasfrom the canon of the "Humanities". Above all, however, the competence is to be developedto understand complex cultural, philosophical, historical and social phenomena, to reflect onthem critically and to make them fruitful for one's own creative work.
Division Manager
Prof. Dr. Thomas Pöpper
Letje Rügge
HS-Ing. economist Thomas Wagenitz
Angie Seidel, B.A.