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Industrial workgroup "Machining with CO2"
A new impulse of increasing performance can be converted by using cryogenic cooling, especially using carbon dioxide (CO2), as cooling lubricant concept in machining. The primary aim is the futher lowering of the cutting temperature in the chip formation area. Reduced thermal stress of the tool blade and reduced tool wear are results. This enables higher tool service life and/or higher cutting parameters which allows the reduction of production time and production costs. Nevertheless there are still open questions for the industrial use of CO2 which holds back the industrial-scale implementation.
Following an initiative of tool manufacturers, machine tool manufacturers and suppliers of CO2-cooling systems a Industry working group was founded in 2015 in cooperation of the Research and Technology Association at the West Saxon University of Applied Sciences Zwickau to develop and promote this innovative technology.

Focuses of the industry working group – machining with CO2:
- Offer a platform for exchange of experiences to cryogenic machining between industry and science
- Development of a guideline fort he safe operation of a machine tool with CO2 cooling (finished in 2016)
- Update of the guidline corresponding to requirements of members oft he industry working group (e.g. changes to the law and regulations)
- realisation of a pilot system for machining with CO2 (finished in 2016)
- processing the newest research and development results of cryogenic machining
- initiation and processing of R&D-projects in connection with application of CO2 in machining
- organisation and holding of meetings oft he industry working group
- publications of results by the industry working group
Prof. Dr. sc. techn. M. Schneeweiß
Westsächsische Hochschule Zwickau
+49 375 536 1720
+49 375 536 1763
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FG Spanungstechnologien
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