Actions Guideline
Within the industry working group - machining with carbon dioxide (CO2) a „Recommended Actions Guidline for Safe Operation of a Machine Tool with CO2 Cooling“ was developed in 2015-2016 which enables an individual implementation of CO2 cooling for the user.
The guideline is segmented schematically into responibilities for both the manufacturers and also the users.
The person responsible is guided by a risk assessment (manufacturer) and a hazard assesment (user) through the document (see picture below).
The worksheets in the appendices (of the document) are generally valid and include the known requirements of the application of CO2. They can be taken into company´s guidelines.

The basis of the Master Safety Plan are the CO2-specific hazards and the necessary protections which can be used in every company. If necessary they can be upgraded by operational adjustments.
This includes the offer of a single machine solution and also a machinegroup with CO2 cooling systems.
The guidline is available in german and english. For detailed information of the guidline ask the memebers of the Industry working group – machining with carbon dioxide (CO2).
Prof. Dr. sc. techn. M. Schneeweiß
Westsächsische Hochschule Zwickau
+49 375 536 1720
+49 375 536 1763
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