Electrical Engineering (Bachelor or German Diplom Degree)

Electrical engineering is the indispensable prerequisite of modern society and for innovations in all branches of the economy. The majors in electrical energy technology, automation technology and electromobility correspond to the growing needs of industry in these very areas.

The aim of automation technology is to design machines and systems in such a way that they can be operated largely independently and without major human involvement.

Electrical energy technology deals with the classic and decentralized provision of electrical energy from alternative sources, use, conversion, storage and transport with intelligent energy management systems and electrical drives.

Electromobility serves future developments in the automotive industry and includes all aspects of e-mobility, from energy-saving mobile electric drives to energy storage and the required power electronic components.

In addition to the regular degree course, electrical engineering can also be studied at the WHZ in cooperation with companies. Possibilities are the study in the practice network of the Volkswagen educational institute, the study of electrical energy technology with practice partner (EEP) and the study automation technology with practice partner (AUP).

  • German Diplom Degree (Dipl.-Ing. (FH)) or
  • B. Sc.
profiles / focus
  • automation engineering
  • electrical power engineering
  • electromobility
type of programme
semester start winter semester
no. of semesters / ECTS-Credits7 or 8 semesters (German Diplom Degree) / 210/240 ECTS (German Diplom Degree)
admission requirements
  • University Entrance Qualifications (A prerequisite for application is the general high-school graduation certificate (Abitur) or a comparable qualification for admission to higher education)
  • required language skills for non-native speakers: German B1
admission restrictionno restricted entry
tuition fees no tuition fees / semester fee only
course languageGerman

To the Accreditation Council website


Ms Elke Kunze

International prospective students
International full-time students

Paul-Kirchhoff-Bau (PKB), room 230a
+49 375 536 1061



International Office

Katrin Jugelt
Paul-Kirchhoff-Bau (PKB), room 230
+49 375 536 1068
+49 375 536 1063

Postal address
Westsächsische Hochschule Zwickau
International Office
Kornmarkt 1
08056 Zwickau

Adress for visitors
Paul-Kirchhoff-Bau (PKB)
Dr.-Friedrichs Ring 2A
rooms 228/230/230a (above the canteen)