Applied Management of Healthcare Services (Bachelor, job-concurrent degree)

Due to the changes in the health and social system as well as the demographic change and the associated challenges, the health and social system is also in a constant process of change. The Applied Care Management course takes into account the increasing demands as well as new tasks and fields of action in care professions.

In addition to management skills, the course also teaches analytical and strategic skills. In combination with comprehensive theoretical knowledge of the changing tasks in the care sector and the health economics, health policy and social law framework, this course enables you to take on supra-institutional administrative and controlling activities in health and care facilities.

The focus is on employees who work in the healthcare-sector and provide healthcare-related services. For this reason, the course also addresses skills for leadership, employee motivation and personnel development.

Course Objectives:

  • Acquisition of knowledge about strategic and operational management tasks in health and social care as well as consulting skills
  • Qualification for conceptual development and networking of healthcare service companies as well as qualification for conceptual handling of limited resources
  • Acquisition of knowledge about quality management systems, risk management, company health management and their implementation

degreeBachelor of Science (B. Sc.)
type of programmejob-concurrent
semester start summer semester
no. of semesters / ECTS-Credits 8 semester / 180 ECTS
admission requirements
  • University Entrance Qualifications (A prerequisite for application is the general high-school graduation certificate (Abitur) or comparable qualification for admission to higher education)
  • three-year, completed vocational training in a healthcare profession and at least one year of professional experience in this profession
  • required language skills for non-native speakers: German C1
admission restrictionno restricted entry
tuition feesno tuition fees / semester fee only
course languagegerman

The following career prospects open up after graduation:

  • (Deputy) managerial activity in the nursing service in hospitals and rehabilitation facilities and, if nursing training according to SGB XI is available, for the management of outpatient services and nursing services in old people's and nursing facilities
  • (Deputy) managerial activity in care facilities
  • Consulting activities for organizations in the care and health sector (e.g. process management, quality management, organizational development, personnel development)
  • Advice and activity in supra-institutional administrative cooperation in health and care systems (e.g. at association level)
  • Activity in the field of development and implementation of workplace health promotion and staff care
  • Activity in the field of further education and training, especially in nursing and health-related educational offers
  • in-depth master's degree

    Please note that the study schedule shown above is a simplified representation. You can find the detailed schedule, the module list as well as study and examination regulations in the Modulux database of the University of Applied Sciences Zwickau.

    To the Modulux database


    Ms Elke Kunze

    International prospective students
    International full-time students

    Paul-Kirchhoff-Bau (PKB), room 230a
    +49 375 536 1061



    International Office

    Katrin Jugelt
    Paul-Kirchhoff-Bau (PKB), room 230
    +49 375 536 1068
    +49 375 536 1063[at]

    Postal address
    Westsächsische Hochschule Zwickau
    International Office
    Kornmarkt 1
    08056 Zwickau

    Adress for visitors
    Paul-Kirchhoff-Bau (PKB)
    Dr.-Friedrichs Ring 2A
    rooms 228/230/230a (above the canteen)