Information & Communication Technology (German Diplom Degree)

Interested in both informatics and electronics? Then our degree in Information & Communication Technology may be just the right one for you! Here these two fields of knowledge come together and form one of the key technologies in our Information Society. Information technologies are known everywhere under the abbreviation IT and are the basis for multimedia, the internet, digital signal processing, e-commerce, traffic guidance systems, smart cards, mobile phones and much more. As early as your 4th semester the interior life of a mobile phone will be vividly explained to you - and you’ll understand it easily. In the student team (S.A.D.I.) you can collaborate in the improvement of self-propelled electric cars - the IT in this car is among the best in the world. Information technology and telecommunications engineering is also a field that is becoming more and more attractive for women.

degreeGerman Diplom Degree (Dipl.-Ing. (FH))
type of programmefull-time programme
semester startwinter semester
no. of semesters / ECTS-Credits8 semester / 240 ECTS (German Diplom Degree)
admission requirementsUniversity Entrance Qualifications (A prerequisite for application is the general high-school graduation certificate (Abitur) or comparable qualification for admission to higher education)
admission restrictionno restricted entry
tuition feesno tuition fees / semester fee only
course languageGerman

To the Accreditation Council website


Ms Elke Kunze

International prospective students
International full-time students

Paul-Kirchhoff-Bau (PKB), room 230a
+49 375 536 1061



International Office

Katrin Jugelt
Paul-Kirchhoff-Bau (PKB), room 230
+49 375 536 1068
+49 375 536 1063[at]

Postal address
Westsächsische Hochschule Zwickau
International Office
Kornmarkt 1
08056 Zwickau

Adress for visitors
Paul-Kirchhoff-Bau (PKB)
Dr.-Friedrichs Ring 2A
rooms 228/230/230a (above the canteen)