Nanotechnology (Masters)

On the scale of individual atoms, substances develop completely new properties. As a result, hardly imaginable new products can be developed or existing applications can be improved. This makes nanotechnology one of the most important research areas of the 21st century.

Nanoparticles are already keeping textiles sterile, transporting medication through our bloodstream and making implants better tolerated by the body. But that's just the beginning: In the areas of optical technologies, semiconductor technology, but also energy technology and bio and environmental technology, there are countless new application possibilities.

The master's degree in nanotechnology at the WHZ combines various areas of physics, chemistry, materials engineering, electrical engineering and medicine. The focus is on a strong practical relevance and current tasks in high-tech industry and research. The main focus is on the functionalization of surfaces, nanostructuring, miniaturization strategies and the application of micro-systems from microelectronics, microsystem, nano and surface technology.

degreeMaster of Engineering (M.Eng.)
type of programme full-time programme or part-time programme, consecutive
semester start winter and summer semester
no. of semesters / ECTS-Credits 3 semesters / 90 ECTS or 6 semesters / 90 ECTS (part-time programme)
admission requirements
  • Bachelor or German Diplom degree, with at least 210 credit points (ECTS) in physical engineering, microtechnology or other relevant degree, e.g. in the field of natural sciences or engineering
  • applicants who have achieved a degree with at least 180 ECTS points are able to take a preliminary semester to obtain the necessary 30 ECTS points.
  • Language requirements for non-native speakers: TestDaF level 4 in all four exam parts or equivalent DSH level 2
admission restriction no restricted entry
tuition fees no tuition fees / semester fee only
course languageGerman

To the Accreditation Council website

Nanotechnology is an economic growth driver. Germany occupies a leading position in Europe and the world. This opens up well-paid jobs for graduates in high-tech companies or research institutions. Possible fields of activity include:

  • Research and development for the introduction of new products and technologies in semiconductor, microsystem, nanosystem and surface / thin-film technology
  • Development activity in optical metrology
  • Use in the field of sensor and communication technology as well as medical, environmental and biotechnology
  • Development activity in vehicle construction, aerospace technology and automation technology

In addition, the master’s degree enables a doctorate and opens up access to a career in the higher service.


Ms Elke Kunze

International prospective students
International full-time students

Paul-Kirchhoff-Bau (PKB), room 230a
+49 375 536 1061



International Office

Katrin Jugelt
Paul-Kirchhoff-Bau (PKB), room 230
+49 375 536 1068
+49 375 536 1063[at]

Postal address
Westsächsische Hochschule Zwickau
International Office
Kornmarkt 1
08056 Zwickau

Adress for visitors
Paul-Kirchhoff-Bau (PKB)
Dr.-Friedrichs Ring 2A
rooms 228/230/230a (above the canteen)