Physical Engineering (Bachelor)

To be up to dealing with the demands of modern technology in industry and research it is imperative to combine a sound scientific training with comprehensive technical knowledge. For this reason our course is based on a close combination of physics, mathematics and chemistry with selected elements of electrical engineering, materials engineering and economics.

DegreeBachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)
profiles / focus
type of programmefull-time programme
semester startwinter semester
no. of semesters / ECTS-Credits7 semester / 210 ECTS
admission requirements
  • University Entrance Qualifications (A prerequisite for application is the general high-school graduation certificate (Abitur) or a comparable qualification for admission to higher education)
  • required language skills for non-native speakers: German C1
admission restrictionno restricted entry
tuition fees no tuition fees / semester fee only
course languageGerman

To the Accreditation Council website

Laboratory tour of plasma and thin-layer technology

Prof. Mike Fröhlich steht in einem Physik-Labor und spricht in die Kamera

Duration: ca. 11 min


Ms Elke Kunze

International prospective students
International full-time students

Paul-Kirchhoff-Bau (PKB), room 230a
+49 375 536 1061



International Office

Katrin Jugelt
Paul-Kirchhoff-Bau (PKB), room 230
+49 375 536 1068
+49 375 536 1063[at]

Postal address
Westsächsische Hochschule Zwickau
International Office
Kornmarkt 1
08056 Zwickau

Adress for visitors
Paul-Kirchhoff-Bau (PKB)
Dr.-Friedrichs Ring 2A
rooms 228/230/230a (above the canteen)