When applying for an internship or an entry-level position, you don't have to score points with practical experience and completed qualifications, because as a trainee or young professional you can hardly show that as a rule. And the recruiter simply doesn't expect that.
All the more important and often decisive is your motivation for the position and for the selected company. In your cover letter, it MUST be clear why you are applying for this position (of all positions), what you hope to gain from it and why you are so particularly interested in this company.
Experience outside of university or further internships are always a plus. So be sure to mention if you have... [1]
However, such experiences and skills should not simply be listed, but selected specifically: Only include in the application what is relevant for the job.
The CV is done but you don't really know how to start with the cover letter? Here's how to get started:
Every application requires an individual cover letter. The following tips will help you find the right wording.
On average, recruiters only take 2 minutes per application. The following stumbling blocks will quickly catapult you out of the running:
Markus Haubold
Beratung, Stipendien, Unternehmenskontakte, Jobportal
+49 375 536 1343
Gina Flachsbart
(in Mutterschutz/Elternzeit)
Beratung internationaler Studierender, Projekt Praxis+