
To find the right internship for you, you can ask yourself the following questions:

  • Which subjects interested me the most during my studies?
  • What special knowledge do I have or would I like to deepen?
  • Which subject areas would I like to get to know?
  • In which industry would I like to work later?
  • Would I like to make new contacts?
  • Do I want to go abroad for my internship?

Where can I find internships?

  • Job portal for students of the WHZ: Here you can find advertised internship positions or partner companies of the WHZ Job
  • Events at WHZ: Take part in excursions and other events where company representatives are present. They are always interested in meeting interested and committed students.
  • Professors and internship representatives of the faculty: almost all professors have contacts in the business world. Ask them about it.
  • Companies' websites: Search specifically for companies and visit their websites. There you will often find information on internships and job offers under "Careers".
  • Job fairs: There are job fairs in almost every larger city, such as ZWIK in Zwickau.
  • Social networks: Tell friends and acquaintances that you are looking for a job or an internship. You can often get important tips and information in such conversations.
  • Magazines: You can often find job advertisements in trade journals or get tips on interesting companies.
  • Other online job exchanges: There are many online job exchanges with very different focuses: job exchanges for university graduates, job exchanges for certain sectors, job exchanges of the economic development agencies of certain regions, job exchanges for internships, and so on. It is therefore important to know what and where you actually want to do your internship.

Guide for Applicants

Career Service

Markus Haubold
Beratung, Stipendien, Unternehmenskontakte, Jobportal
+49 375 536 1343

Gina Flachsbart
(in Mutterschutz/Elternzeit)
Beratung internationaler Studierender, Projekt Praxis+