The International Office

International Learning as one of the guiding principles of the West Saxon University of Applied Sciences Zwickau is reflected in our campus and working life.

The International Office (IO) is the central point of contact at the West Saxon University of Applied Sciences in international matters. Through our worldwide cooperation with universities and research institutions, our students, faculty and staff are given the opportunity to spend numerous periods of study, internships and research abroad or here in Zwickau. The International Office oversees the university's exchange programs and advises on scholarships and funding opportunities. Students from abroad receive support in study-related, immigration law and social issues.


  • Taiwanisch-Chinesischer Länderabend

    Taiwanisch-Chinesischer Länderabend

    19:00 Uhr
    Studentenclub TIVOLI e.V.
    Äußere Schneeberger Str. 18


  • Wege ins Ausland

    Wege ins Ausland

    17:00 Uhr
    Hörsaalgebäude Raum S_HS2, Campus Scheffelberg

    Informationsveranstaltung rund um das Thema Studium und Praktikum im Ausland mit Referent/inn/en vom Akademischen Auslandsamt, Erfahrungsberichten von Alumni sowie internationalen Gästen

  • Study in Australia

    Study in Australia

    Campus Scheffelberg, Raum S_142

    Special guest: La Trobe University

  • Wege ins Ausland

    Wege ins Ausland

    Aula, Campus Ring

    Informationsveranstaltung rund um das Thema Studium und Praktikum im Ausland mit Referent/inn/en vom Akademischen Auslandsamt, vom Leonardo-Büros Sachsen (Erasmus-Praktikum) sowie Erfahrungsberichten von Alumni und internationalen Studierenden.

  • Welcome Party for International Students SoSe 2014

    Welcome Party for International Students SoSe 2014

    19:00 Uhr

    Studentenclub TIVOLI e.V.

    Äußere Schneeberger Str. 18


  • Japanischer Abend

    Japanischer Abend

    18:00 Uhr

    Studentenclub 013 e.V.

    Innere Schneeberger Straße 23

  • English Stammtisch

    English Stammtisch

    19:00 Uhr
    Galerie Café, Zwickau

    Are you wanting to brush up your english skills but finding
    the classroom environment too dull?
    Are you wanting to meet up regularly with real native speakers and simply have the opportunity to “chat English”?

    If the answer is yes, then we are here for you!

    Starting on 4th March (19.00), there will be an English “Stammtisch” taking place twice a month at the Galerie Café, just off the Hauptmarkt.

    So if you are looking for specific work-related English or preparing for an interview or simply for some day to day conversation practice, please do join us!

    If you would like to sign up, please send an email to tristan.lodge@fh-zwickau.d

  • Kirgisischer Abend

    Kirgisischer Abend

    19:00 Uhr

    Studentenclub TIVOLI e.V.

    Äußere Schneeberger Str. 18


  • Wege ins Ausland

    Wege ins Ausland

    15:00 Uhr
    Fakultät Architektur, Studio 2, Reichenbach
    Für Architektinnen und Architekten

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