Measures at the WHZ to contain Corona infections

Updated on: 07 April 2022

This translated content is based on the information available at the time of its publication. Due to changes in regulations and measures, its completeness and accuracy cannot be guaranteed.

Binding is always the most current documentation and information in German.
It can be found here: WHZ Corona measures (German)

Please also refer to the FAQ of the Department of Student Affairs on this topic. This contains supplements and further information on how to deal with the regulations and resolutions.

You can find the FAQ here: FAQ on the Senate resolutions and amendment of the SächsHSFG

General Information

Regulations in effect at the university as of 1 April 2022.

Regular attendance mode as of 04 Apr. 2022.

  • Both 3G and minimum distance regulations no longer apply.
  • Lectures, internships and seminars can and should take place in full physical attendance again.
  • The university recommends to continue wearing a mouth-nose-covering (preferably a FFP2 mask or comparable mask) in the indoor areas and to follow the general hygiene regulations.

The central objective of this regulation is to maximise the presence at the university campuses while avoiding infections of students and staff with COVID-19 at our university. It is based on the currently valid SächsCoronaSchVO. Insofar as the following regulations are tied to a specific rate of infections, § 2 of the SächsCoronaSchVO applies.

  1. Basic protective measures (hygiene concept)
    1. Only persons without typical symptoms indicating a SARS-CoV-2 infection are allowed to enter the university buildings. You are not allowed to visit the buildings and facilities if you have had contact with a confirmed Corona case within the last 14 days and have not subsequently tested negative. The head of the structural units - or in the case of students, the Department of Study Affairs - must be informed and the further procedure agreed upon.
    2. The cough and sneeze etiquette must be followed.
    3. Hands must be washed or disinfected frequently and thoroughly. Sufficient washing facilities and disinfection dispensers are available for this purpose. 
    4. A minimum distance of 1.5 m between persons must be ensured. This also and especially applies when entering and leaving rooms or buildings. Participants must enter and leave the rooms individually. Separate entrances and exits are to be used if available in the rooms.
    5. The designated room capacities and necessary ventilation intervals shall be observed. Offices shall be ventilated at least every hour. Teaching, seminar and meeting rooms shall be ventilated intensively.
    6. During regular university operations with a corresponding number of students in attendance, the so-called one-way street regulations designated in the university buildings must be observed.
    7. From a seven-day incidence value of 10 in the respective district, it is mandatory for all persons present in the university to properly wear a medical mouth-nose protection in the university buildings whenever people meet, especially when staying in common rooms and corridors.
      1. At the working place (seat), the medical mouth/nose protection may be removed while maintaining the minimum distance.
      2. University staff will be provided with medical mouth-nose protection.
    8. From a seven-day incidence value of 10 in the respective district, access to university buildings is only possible for university staff and by means of a transponder or key card.
    9. In accordance with the currently valid SächsCoronaSchVO, the university appoints Mr Süß as hygiene officer.
    10. In general, please pay attention to the current recommendations of the Robert Koch Institute.
  2. Regulations for students and external persons for participation in lectures and use of service offers within the university
    1. For participation in lectures and use of service offers within the university, a vaccination certificate, recovery certificate or certified test certificate must be presented before access to the university buildings, whereby the test certificate must not be older than 24 hours.
    2. Proof of compliance with one of the criteria described above is generally provided via the Corona warning app.
    3. In order to identify and break chains of infection, contact tracing must be ensured.
      1. When attending a lecture/event/service offer offered by the University of Applied Sciences Zwickau, all participants must register via a QR code, which is usually attached to the entrance door, using the Corona-Warn app.
      2. In the case of the presence of external (non-university) persons (e.g. industrial partners, fitters), if this is necessary for operational processes at the university, the respective head of the structural unit is responsible for ensuring that chains of infection are traced.
    4. The responsibility for compliance with these basic requirements lies with the respective organisers/lecturers. 
      1. At the beginning of an event, compliance with the requirements described above shall be checked. A random check of 10% of all participants, but at least 15 participants, shall be carried out. If the total number of participants is less than 15, a full check of all participants for compliance with the regulations described must be carried out.
      2. If not already done in advance, the participants are to be instructed about the applicable hygiene concept and the regulations of the university formulated here. 
  3. Regulations for employees
    1. In the case of quarantine ordered by the local health departments for oneself or one's own children (in case the children are in need of care without other care possibilities in the household), it is obligatory to inform the Department of Personnel Affairs by e-mail and to coordinate further measures with the head of the structural unit.
    2. When attending a lecture/event/service offer offered by the University of Applied Sciences Zwickau, all employees must register for contact tracking via a QR code usually attached to the entrance door using the Corona-Warn app.  
    3. Measures to mitigate the risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection at work
      1. According to §28b IfSG, all employees are obliged to carry a 3G certificate (tested, vaccinated or recovered) with them at the workplace and to show it on request. The University of Applied Sciences is obliged to check and document the existence of the proof for each employee before entering the workplace.
      2. Proof of vaccination and recovery must always be provided via the Corona Warning App. A test record must not be more than 24 hours old. The test must be either
        • carried out and documented in the form of self-tests on site under the supervision of the employer or a person appointed by the employer, or 
        • carried out and documented or by the employer or by persons appointed by the employer who have the necessary have the necessary training or knowledge and experience to do so.
          •  Remark: Instruction can be carried out by the hygiene officer. The heads of the respective structural unit is responsible for the detailed organisational implementation.There is no right to supervised self-testing.
        • carried out and documented or by a service provider in accordance with § 6 paragraph 1 of the Coronavirus Test Ordinance
      3. In accordance with § 4 Para. 1 Corona-ArbSchV, the University of Applied Sciences Zwickau offers its employees, insofar as they do not work exclusively in their homes, a free test offer twice per calendar week (rapid test with regard to a direct pathogen detection of the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, which is approved by the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices),
    4. Business trips shall only be approved if they are absolutely necessary and cannot be postponed. In order to apply for and carry out business trips, the business trip corona form must be completed and submitted in addition to the usual business trip form. Business trips are to be submitted via the head of the structural unit and approved by the supervisor.
    5. The respective head of the structural unit is responsible for compliance with the regulations laid down here. He/she shall define and organise the appropriate measures and check their implementation. The head of the structural unit shall instruct all employees in compliance with these regulations.
  4. Measures in case of the nationwide early warning stage: In case of the state-wide early warning stage according to the SächsCoronaSchVO in the version dated 05 November 2021, the 2-G regulation applies to all participants at events except the lectures.
  5. Measures in case of of the nationwide overload level (of hospitals): If the state-wide overload level according to § 2 para. 4 SächsCoronaSchVO occurs, physical contacts must be minimised again. Consequently, the following measures must be taken in this case:
    1. Access to the university for university staff is now only possible with special permission from the head of the structural unit.
    2. Courses will again be held primarily digitally. For lectures and practical courses which have to take place in presence, the number of participants is limited to a maximum of 10 persons (recovered and vaccinated persons are counted) and special permission must be obtained from the head of the structural unit. Examinations can be carried out in observance of the hygienic measures in presence. A change of the examination format to digital formats is recommended.
    3. The opening hours of the service points are temporarily suspended. Accessibility by telephone and e-mail will be ensured. Appointments are possible in urgent cases by prior arrangement.
    4. The work-from-home regulation will be extended to full-time in order to minimise workplace contacts in consultation with the head of your structural unit to minimise contacts at the workplace. 
    5. The work-from-home regulation will be extended to full-time in order to minimise contacts after consultation with the head of your structural unit. 
    6. In addition to the 2-G regulation, a participant limit of 10 persons applies to events except lectues and with external participants (number includes recovered and vaccinated persons).
  6. Consequences of non-compliance with the regulations: Anyone who intentionally or negligently violates the measures taken in this regulation will be excluded from attendance with immediate effect. Furthermore, the university has the option to initiate disciplinary measures up to and including reporting the offender to the police.              
  7. Entry into force: This regulation comes into force from 24.11.2021 and replaces the university guidelines of 15.09.2021.

Source text in German: download document as PDF

If you experience COVID-19 symptoms, you should first get a COVID19 antigen test. If the result is positive, you should get a confirming PCR test and call a doctor or the responsible public health department and isolate yourself at home as soon as possible. 

In addition, we ask you not to enter the WHZ buildings if you experience any cold-like symptoms. If you tested positive, please contact the Department of Student Affairs. 



Exam-related information

Resolution on the supplementation of all examination regulations for the conduct of examinations in all study programs at the University of Applied Sciences Zwickau dated 23 March 2022.

1. Modification of examination forms

Necessary modifications of examination forms are the responsibility of the respective examination board. The decision can be made upon request of the responsible module supervisor

2. Oral examinations

As long as the specific circumstances allow it, examinations in oral form, specified in the examination regulations as oral or alternative examinations, can be carried out digitally after consultation with the examiner(s) and declaration of consent by the student. The corresponding specifications are made by the examination board of the respective faculty, taking into account the "Regulations of the Rectorate for the standardized conduct of a digital oral or alternative examination".

3. Handing in the final paper/thesis

Upon application of the student and after consultation with the examiners, the examination board of the respective faculty may suspend the obligation to hand in printed copies of the final thesis if this is required under the respective examination regulations. If this is the case, sending the final paper/thesis in digital form is sufficient and complies with the deadline.

4. Written examinations

  • In addition to the written examinations already specified in the examination regulations, written examinations are also digital written examinations. The modification of the current examination form into a digital written examination by the examiner must be confirmed by the respective examination board.
  • A digital written examination is understood to be an online-based written work on one or more given examination tasks, which takes place in a limited amount of time without supervision. The examination tasks are to be completed according to the specifications of the examiner. The examiner determines the time required for completion as well as the time of handing in and handing out. If the digital written examination performance is not submitted on time, it is regarded as a failed examination.
  • When submitting the digital written examination, the candidate must declare that he/she has written it independently and that only the resources and auxiliary materials permitted by the examiner have been used. If such a declaration proves to be untrue or if there is any other attempt at deception or a breach of conduct, the regulations of the respective examination regulations shall apply accordingly.
  • The digital written examination shall be carried out in electronic form and communication. The examiner shall determine the procedure and mode of execution. The examinee must appropriately document technical malfunctions that occur on his/her side and communicate them to the examiner (e.g. by screenshot with date and time display). In the event of a technical malfunction, it must be ensured that the examinee suffers no disadvantages; this does not apply to attempts of manipulation and deception. The examiner decides whether the examination is to be continued or cancelled. In case of a continued examination, the examiner can extend the duration of the examination accordingly. In the case of discontinuation, the examinee must retake the examination in its entirety; the examination is considered as not having been taken.

5. Validity

The resolution is valid from summer semester 2022 up to and including winter semester 2024/2025, but at the longest until the regulations mentioned above - not necessarily identical in content and/or wording - have been incorporated into a framework examination regulation or comparable form of regulation acceptable at the time of adoption.

The resolution will be published at the university.

Resolution of the Senate of the WHZ dated March 23, 2022.

You can find the source text in German here.

Regulations of the Rectorate for the standardized conduct of a digital oral or alternative examination from 23. March 2022

  1. The digital oral or alternative examination shall be conducted exclusively as a video conference. The camera and microphone must be functional for all participants. The examiner and examinee agree on the necessary technical equipment in advance. The examinee must ensure that the technical requirements are in place and that everything is operational at the start of the examination. If no functional connection can be established between the examinees within 10 minutes (which is not counted as part of the examination time), the examination will be terminated without any disadvantages for the examinee, and a new date will be arranged.
  2. The execution and participation in digital oral or alternative examinations are voluntary for students and examiners. There is no right to conduct an examination in digital form. The examinee must give his/her express consent to this form of examination before the examination begins. The examiner must request consent from the examinee at the beginning of the examination and document it in the examination record.
  3. Data protection regulations must be respected. In particular, the storage of personal data, as well as image and audio files, is prohibited.
  4. The examiner and the examinee maintain eye contact via the camera during the examination. Before the examination begins, the candidate must ensure that there are no other persons in the room who are not involved in the examination and that no one enters the room during the examination. This must be documented in the examination protocol. In addition, communication devices in the room (e.g. telephones, smartphones) must be switched off.
  5. The second examiner or the observer is responsible for taking the protocol.
  6. In the event of a technical malfunction, it must be ensured that the examinee is not disadvantaged. All participants are obliged to take all possible and reasonable measures within a maximum of 10 minutes to eliminate the connection disruption and to continue the examination. The examination shall be extended by the duration of the interruption. The interruption shall be documented as a special occurrence. If the disruption cannot be eliminated, the test shall be considered as not having been taken.
  7. In addition to these stipulations, the general regulations for the conduct of oral examinations apply in accordance with the respective examination regulations (Prüfungsordnungen).

Thank you for your understanding. We wish all participants a successful examination.

Registration for the exam
Only registered students can take exams. Short-notice appearances for examinations without registration are not permitted due to the need to keep contact lists and the limited room capacity. 

Hygiene regulations 
The hygiene guidelines ensure the greatest possible safety for yourself and others. A medical mouth nose protection or an FFP2 mask must be worn at the entrance to the examination room, when handing in the examination and when leaving the examination room. Except in the case of contact with an examiner, the mask can be taken off during the examination at the examination place. During the "Corona traffic light" phase "red", a FFP2 mask must also be worn at the seat. Students must bring the mask themselves, without it access to the university building and the examination room is not permitted!

Apart from that, the general hygiene and distance requirements apply, especially regarding the minimum distance of 1.5 metres. Personal hygiene rules (e.g. coughing and sneezing etiquette) must always be followed. 

The Department of Technology and Procurement cleans and disinfects the tables after the examination. Disinfectants for the hands are provided for the examinees / examiners in the examination room. The examination room is ventilated before, during and after the examination as far as possible. 

You should only take part in the exam if you are healthy. In case of fever, cough, or cold-like symptoms, you are not allowed to take part in the examination. If acute symptoms (especially cough, sore throat, shortness of breath) occur during the examination, the exam will be terminated.

Persons who belong to a risk group according to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) guideline can receive additional information on the examination and examination procedure from the examination committee and from the Inclusion Officer, Prof. Angela Hommel, if required. 

Before the exam  
Examinees will be admitted max. 30 minutes before the start of the examination. Please refer to the information about the specific admission time provided by the faculty. 

Please wait individually in the waiting area in front of the university building, pay attention to the markings on the floor, the relevant notices and the announcements made by staff. Keep the minimum distance to other persons. Avoid standing in groups. Do not use greeting rituals (e.g. shaking hands). 

Admission control takes place at the entrance to the university building. Please make sure that you keep the minimum distance to other people! Please have your student ID and an official photo ID (e.g. passport, ID card, electronic residence permit card, EU driving licence) ready. Admission control and the handover of FFP2 masks will take place individually. Please follow the instructions of the staff at the entrance. You will be asked whether you have symptoms that suggest you have SARS-Covid-19. 

In the examination room, the furthest seats away from the entrance will be filled first. The staff will provide further details. 

In the examination room and during the examination 
As usual, please place your bag and jacket at your seat or at the assigned place in the examination room immediately after entering the examination room. Take out any needed items. No items may be shared with other fellow students (e.g. pens). Drinking from closable bottles is permitted, while eating is not allowed in the examination room (exception in case of proven medical necessity). 

The examinations documents will be placed on the desks before admission. They may only be touched after being instructed to do so by the staff. 

Only one person is allowed to go to the toilet at a time. In addition to the mandatory wearing of the FFP2 mask, the longest possible distance from the other examinees must be maintained. 

Only make direct contact with a staff member during the examination in urgent cases. A mask must be worn by both sides when the student asks questions / the supervisor answers.

At the end of the exam 
The exams are handed in contactless and always after the end of the examination time. For this purpose, a drop box will be provided in the examination room, into which you can independently drop your exam paper. Please follow the instructions of the staff regarding the procedure for handing in the exam documents. Pay attention to yourself and others when handing in your exam and keep the necessary minimum distance.

After handing in your exams, take your personal belongings and leave the examination room, the university building, and the campus swiftly. Take waste with you and dispose of it. Avoid grouping on the campus even after the exam.

The exams will be corrected by the examiners no earlier than three days after they have been handed in.

Thank you for your compliance.

We wish all examinees a successful exam. 

Source text in German: download document as PDF

  1. All examinations which are specified in the examination regulations as oral examinations, presentations, lectures or colloquia may be taken as virtual oral examinations.
  2. The virtual oral examination may only be conducted as a video conference. Camera and microphone must be functional for all participants. The examiner and the examinee agree on the necessary technical equipment in advance. The candidate must ensure that the technical requirements are available and functional at the beginning of the examination. In the case that no functional connection can be established between the candidates within 10 minutes (which is not counted as part of the examination time), the examination will be terminated without any disadvantages for the candidate and a new appointment will be arranged.
  3. The conduct and participation in virtual oral examinations is voluntary for students and examiners. There is no right to conduct an examination in virtual form. The examinee must give his/her express consent to this form of examination before the examination begins. The consent must be requested from the candidate at the beginning of the examination and documented in the examination protocol.
  4. Data protection regulations must be complied with. In particular, the storage of personal data and image and audio files is prohibited.
  5. During the examination, the examiner and the candidate maintain eye contact via the camera. Before the examination begins, the candidate assures that there are no other persons not involved in the examination in the room and that he/she has ensured that no one enters the room during the examination. This must be documented in the examination protocol. Communication devices in the room (e.g. telephones, smartphones) must be switched off.
  6. The protocol is written by the second examiner or assessor.
  7. In case of a technical problem, it must be ensured that the examinee is not disadvantaged. All participants are obliged to take all possible and reasonable measures within a maximum of 10 minutes to eliminate the connection disruption and to continue the examination. The examination shall be extended by the duration of the interruption. The interruption shall be documented as a special occurrence. If the problem cannot be resolved, the examination shall be considered not to have been taken.
  8. In addition to these regulations, the general regulations for the conduct of oral examinations according to the respective examination regulations shall apply.

Thank you for your understanding. We wish all examination participants a successful examination.

Source text in German: download document as PDF

Resolution on the reduction of disadvantages in studies and examination procedures on the occasion of the Corona pandemic and the corresponding measures taken by the WHZ in the winter semester of 2021/2022 passed on 30 June 2021

  1. Nos. 1, 2 and 3 from the resolution on the reduction of disadvantages in studies and exam examination procedures on the occasion of the Corona pandemic and the corresponding
    measures of the WHZ in the summer semester 2021 of 17 March 2021 apply accordingly for the winter semester 2021/2022.
  2. The resolution will be published at the university.

Resolution of the Senate of the WHZ passed on 30 June 2021.
Prof. Dr. Stephan Kassel

Source text in German: download document as PDF

Resolution on the reduction of disadvantages in studies and in examination procedures especially for retake examinations on the occasion of the Corona pandemic and the corresponding measures of the WHZ in the winter semester 2021/2022 passed on 30 June 2021

  1. Retake examinations that are offered in the winter semester 2021/2022 until 31 December 2021 and are taken or must be taken by the students may be taken by in the same examination attempt, irrespective of the examination grade. In the event of a repetition, this assessment counts, regardless of the examination grade. The statutory repetition deadlines must be be observed. The application to retake the examination must be submitted to the Department of Study Affairs the end of the summer semester 2022 at the latest. Examinations which have been assessed as "failed" due to deception, cannot be repeated in the same examination attempt.
  2. No. 1 applies accordingly to examinations that have been postponed by the university from the summer semester 2021 to the winter semester 2021/2022 due to the pandemic, but no later than to 31 December 2021.
  3. The resolution will be published at the university.

Resolution of the Senate of the WHZ passed on 30 June 2021.
Prof. Dr. Stephan Kassel

Source text in German: download document as PDF

Resolution on the amendment of all examination regulations of all degree programmes of all faculties for the conduct of written examinations in all degree programmes of all faculties on the occasion of the Corona pandemic passed on May 19

  1. Written exams are digital written exams in addition to the written exams regulated in the examination regulations. The change of the current examination form to a digital written examination by the examiner must be confirmed by the respective examination board.
  2.  A digital written examination is understood to be an online-supported written processing of one or more set examination tasks, which takes place in a limited time without supervision. The examination tasks are processed according to the examiner's specifications. The examiner determines the processing time as well as the issue and submission time. If the digital written examination performance is not submitted on time, it is deemed to have been failed.
  3. When submitting the digital written examination performance, the candidate must declare that he/she has written it independently and that only the sources and aids permitted by the examiner have been used. If such a declaration proves to be untrue or if there is another attempt at deception or a breach of order in the examination, the regulations of the respective examination regulations shall apply accordingly.
  4. The digital written examination shall be conducted in electronic form and communication. The manner and procedure shall be determined by the examiner. Technical faults that occur on the side of an examinee must be documented in a suitable manner and reported to the examiner (e.g. by screenshot with date and time display). In the event of a technical malfunction, it must be ensured that the examinee suffers no disadvantages; this does not apply to attempts at cheating. The examiner decides whether the examination is to be continued or stopped. In the case of a continuation, the duration of the examination may be extended accordingly. In the event of a discontinuation, the examination performance shall be repeated in full; it shall be deemed not to have been attempted.
  5. The decision is effective immediately and is limited to the summer semester 2021 and winter semester 2021/2022.
  6. The resolution will be published at the university.

Resolution of the Senate of the WHZ passed on 14 April 2021.

Prof. Dr. Stephan Kassel

Source text in German:download text as PDF

Supplement to the Resolution 
on the reduction of disadvantages in studies and examination procedures due to the Corona pandemic and the corresponding measures of the WHZ in the winter semester 2020/2021
passed on 17 March 2021

  1. The summer semester 2021 is not included in the calculation of examination deadlines. All examination/retake deadlines are interrupted for another semester and do not continue. They are automatically extended by the current semester. Students can choose whether to take the examinations offered (also as a retake examination) or wait for the next regularly offered examination.
  2. All students have the option of retaking an examination taken in the summer semester 2021 in the same examination attempt, regardless of the examination result.In the case of a repetition, the attempt counts, regardless of the examination grade. The statutory repetition deadlines continue to apply, whereby No. 1 of this supplement is to be observed. The application to retake the examination must be submitted to the Department of Student Affairs/Examination Office by the end of the winter semester 2021/2022 at the latest.
    Examinations that have been assessed as "failed" ("nicht bestanden") due to cheating cannot be retaken in the same examination attempt.
  3. The resolution is effective retroactively and is limited to the summer semester 2021.
  4. The resolution shall be published at the university.

Resolution of the Senate of the WHZ passed on 14 April 2021.

Prof. Dr. Stephan Kassel

Source text in German: download text as PDF

on the reduction of disadvantages in studies and examination procedures due to the Corona pandemic and the corresponding measures of the WHZ in the summer semester 2021
passed on 17 March 2021 

  1. Necessary changes to examination forms are the responsibility of the respective examination board. The decision can be made at the request of the responsible module supervisor. 
  2. As far as the specific conditions allow, examinations that are designated in the examination regulations as oral examinations, presentations, or colloquia can be conducted online as virtual oral examinations after consultation with the examiner(s) and declaration of consent by the student. The corresponding specifications are made by the examination board of the respective faculty in compliance with the "Guidelines for the uniform conduct of virtual oral examinations due to the conduct of the summer semester 2021 in hybrid form on the occasion of the Corona pandemic passed on 17 March 2021". 
  3. The examination board of the respective faculty may, upon application of the student and after consultation with the examiners, suspend the obligation to submit printed copies of the thesis, if the respective examination regulations provide for this procedure. If this is the case, sending the thesis as a digital copy is sufficient and meets the deadline.
  4. Exams can already be scheduled and take place during the exam preparation week (5 July - 9 July 2021). The examination period will be extended by the examination preparation week. The examination period for the summer semester 2021 is therefore from 5 July 2021 up to and including 30 July 2021.
  5. The registration period for the examinations of the module examinations and retakes for modules without semester-accompanying examinations according to § 19 section 5 of all Bachelor's and Diploma examination regulations as well as § 18 section 5 of all Master's examination regulations or the paragraphs with the same content of the older examination regulations ends for all students on 20 June 2021, taking into account No. 4. The registration period for the examinations in the examination period is therefore from 24 May 2021 to 20 June 2021. 
  6. The resolution is effective immediately and is limited to the summer semester 2021.
  7. The resolution shall be published at the university. 

Resolution of the Senate of the WHZ passed on 17 March 2021. 

Prof. Dr. Stephan Kassel

Source text in German: download document as PDF

Guidelines for the uniform conduct of virtual oral examinations due to the conduct of the summer semester 2021 in hybrid form on the occasion of the Corona pandemic passed on 17 March 2021

  1. All examinations that are designated in the examination regulations as oral examinations, presentations, or colloquia can be taken as virtual oral examinations. 
  2. A virtual oral examination may only be conducted as a video conference. Camera and microphone must work for all participants. The examiner and the examinee agree on the necessary technical equipment in advance. The candidate must ensure that the technical requirements are available and functional at the beginning of the examination. If no functional connection can be established between the examiner and the examinee within 10 minutes (which is not counted as examination time), the examination will be terminated without disadvantages for the candidate and a new date will be arranged. 
  3. The conduct and participation in virtual oral examinations is voluntary for students and examiners. There is no right to conduct an examination in virtual form. Before the examination begins, the examinee must express his/her consent to this form of examination and its conduct in accordance with these guidelines. The consent must be requested from the examinee at the beginning of the examination and documented in the examination record. 
  4. Data protection regulations must be complied with. In particular, the storage of personal data and image and audio files is prohibited. 
  5. During the examination, the examiner and the examinee maintain eye contact via the camera. Before the examination begins, the examinee assures that there are only persons in the room who are involved in the examination and that he/she has ensured that no one enters the room during the examination. This must be documented in the examination record. Communication devices in the examinee's room that are not needed for the examination (e.g. smartphones) must be switched off. 
  6. The second examiner or the assessor is responsible for keeping the examination record. 
  7. In the event of a technical malfunction, it must be ensured that the examinee is not disadvantaged. All participants are obliged to take all possible and reasonable measures within a maximum of 10 minutes to overcome the connection disruption and to continue the examination. The examination shall be extended by the duration of the interruption. The interruption shall be documented as a special occurrence. If the disruption can't be solved, the examination shall be recorded as not having been taken. 
  8. In addition to these guidelines, the general regulations for the conduct of oral examinations apply in accordance with the respective examination regulations. 


Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Golubski

Prorector Education

17 March 2021

on the reduction of disadvantages in studies and examination procedures due to the Corona pandemic and the corresponding measures of the WHZ in the winter semester 2020/2021
passed on 27 January 2021 

  1.  For all students whose examinations in the winter semester 2020/2021 have been postponed by the university to the summer semester 2021 due to the pandemic, No. 6 of the "Resolution on the Reduction of Disadvantages in Studies and Examination Procedures due to the Corona Pandemic and the Corresponding Measures of the WHZ in the Winter Semester 2020/2021 passed on 25 November 2020" applies accordingly.
  2. For examinations that can be taken either in the winter semester 2020/2021 or in the summer semester 2021 due to the pandemic, No. 6 of the "Resolution on the Reduction of Disadvantages in Studies and Examination Procedures on the Occasion of the Corona Pandemic and the Corresponding Measures of the WHZ in the Winter Semester 2020/2021 passed on 25 November 2020", if applicable in the form of No. 1, applies for the first time taking the examination. Participation in both examination options is not permitted.
  3. The resolution is effective immediately and is limited to the winter semester 2020/21 and summer semester 2021.
  4. The resolution shall be published at the university. 

Resolution of the Senate of the WHZ passed on 27 January 2021. 

Prof. Dr. Stephan Kassel

Source text in German: download document as PDF

This resolution expired at the end of the winter semester 2020/21. However, the contents of the follow-up resolution of 27 January refer to parts of this resolution, which are presented below. 


on the reduction of disadvantages in studies and examination procedures due to the Corona pandemic and the corresponding measures of the WHZ in the winter semester 2020/2021

passed on 25 November 2020 (excerpt) 

  1. Necessary changes to examination formats are the responsibility of the respective examination board. The decision can be made at the request of the responsible module supervisor. 
  2. (...)
  3. (...)
  4. Subject to a legal regulation, all students who are enrolled in the winter semester 2020/21 and are not on leave of absence have the opportunity to apply for a period of study of one semester not to be counted towards the standard period of study of their respective degree programme due to the currently restricted study programme. The application must be submitted to the Department of Student Affairs in the last regular semester of the standard period of study or, if the standard period of study has already been exceeded, by the end of the summer semester 2021. Non-credit is only granted in the case of exceeding the standard period of study, i.e. for the semester following the end of the standard period of study. It does not apply in the case of a change of degree programme, unless the previous duration of study is credited in the new degree programme.
  5. The winter semester 2020/21 is not included in the calculation of examination deadlines. All examination/re-examination deadlines are interrupted for one semester and do not continue. They are automatically extended by the current semester. Students can choose whether to take the examinations offered (also as a repeat examination) or wait for the next offered examination.
  6. All students have the option of repeating an examination taken in the winter semester 2020/21 in the same examination attempt, regardless of the examination grade. In the event of a repetition, this assessment counts, regardless of the examination grade. The statutory repetition deadlines applying No. 5 are still valid. The application to retake the examination must be submitted to the Department of Student Affairs/Examination Office by the end of the summer semester 2021 at the latest. Examinations that have been assessed as "failed" due to deception cannot be repeated in the same examination attempt. 
  7. (…) 
  8. (…) 

Resolution of the WHZ Senate passed on 25 November 2020. 

Prof. Dr. Stephan Kassel


Source text in German (full)

Tools and information from external providers

The latest decisions of the Federal Government, practical advice on hygiene and quarantine as well as the important contact persons can be found here in a compact and clear form in 23 languages. The information is constantly being expanded and updated.

The Corona-Warn-App helps to determine whether you have come into contact with an infected person and whether this could result in a risk of infection. In this way, chains of infection can be interrupted more quickly. The app is an offer of the Federal Government. Downloading and using the app is completely voluntary. You can download it for free from the App Store and Google Play. 

Further information can be found on the RKI-website: Information on the Corona-Warn-App