

Freelancing and Entrepreneurship for Academics – Enabling and empowering workshop

Our workshop is aimed at all members of the universities who intend to take the step into self-employment as a sideline. During the workshop, we will talk about what needs to be considered and how to take the first steps towards self-employment as a freelancer or setting up a business. In practical exercises, we will determine business model approaches in order to be able to offer our own services in a targeted manner and we will carry out a fee calculation for this. The workshop should make it possible to know what still needs to be considered for a successful start.

Zeit: 10:00 - 14:00 Uhr

Ort: Campus Scheffelstraße

Anmeldung und weitere Informationen finden Sie hier.


Claudia Zahn
Kommunikation und Marketing

Büro: LHB 104a
 +49 (0) 375 536 1050
 +49 (0) 375 536 1007

Sascha Vogelsang
Kommunikation und Marketing
Stellv. Pressesprecher
Büro: LHB 102
+49 (0) 375 536 1052
F+49 (0) 375 536 1007

Kommunikation und Marketing

Ansprechpartnerinnen und Ansprechpartner

Leander-Hummel-Bau, LHB
Büros: LHB 101 - 104a
Kornmarkt 1
08056 Zwickau

Westsächsische Hochschule Zwickau
Kommunikation und Marketing
Postfach 20 10 37
08012 Zwickau
