Important Information
Besides that, you can always contact or our support team for further questions and concerns. You can also find the contact information on our website.
What is Proof of Funding and when is it required to study in Germany?
To apply for a visa for study purposes, students from third countries must, among other things, submit proof of funding to the German embassy/consulate. This proof should clearly show that you have sufficient funds for at least one year. Currently, an amount of 861 euros is estimated here for monthly needs. Proof of funds can be, for example
- Statement of the parents' income and financial circumstances or a commitment from a third person* (if prepared in the national language, please include an official German translation).
- Payment of a security deposit into a blocked account at a bank in Germany
- Deposit of a bank guarantee at a bank in the Federal Republic of Germany
The proof of financing must then be updated in Germany each time the visa is extended. It is important to note that the "term" of the financial guarantee must always be one year.
Enrollment Guide at the University of Applied Sciences Zwickau (WHZ) through the WHZ-Portal for partner university and other countries.
This guide will provide you with information and advice for your successful study and an inspiring academic life and personal experience in Zwickau.
Guide for international applicants from partner universities and other countries.
Location map - The locations 'Scheffelberg' and 'Ring' are relevant for the students. On Scheffelberg, rooms begin with S. For example, S6104: S=Scheffelberg, 6=House 6, and 104=Room. The lecture hall at 'Scheffelberg' also starts with S and is in the timetable as S_HS1 or S_HS2. At the ring, the rooms start with GAB or PBS. The lecture hall on the 'Ring' is marked with HS1 only.
What advantages does this degree programme offer compared to similar degree programmes?
The MITy study programme differs from identified competitor programmes primarily in the interdisciplinary combination of management, business information systems and applied informatics as well as the double degree component. Furthermore, MITy offers a particularly high degree of flexibility and adaptability for students due to an extensive portfolio of elective modules and the free choice of partner universities among the six international universities. As a further distinguishing feature, a technical novelty, the decision support system for automated module selection, accompanies the students during their studies and guarantees a high level of service. Modules are enriched with blended learning elements and web-based training. It is also the only degree programme that offers cooperation with partner universities in the Central Asian and Caucasian region in the field of management and computer science at lower study fees.
What profession can I pursue with this degree?
On the basis of the professional qualifications, a wide range of potential occupational fields arise. In an increasingly global and digitised world, the degree programme enables graduates to work in the fields of management and Information Technology as well as realted sectors. Examples of occupational fields include employment in middle and upper management, especially the management of IT projects or the management of digital business models, regional and international companies, (IT) project management, (IT) strategy development, start-up foundation, software engineering and business intelligence/analytics.
What do I need to know about the semester at WHZ?
- The winter semester begins on 04.10.2023 and goes until 28.02.2024
- the exam preparation week is from 29.01.2024 to 04.02.2024
- the exams will take place from 05.02.2024 to 25.02.2024
You can find the academic year schedule here
Translated timetable for the winter semester 2023 / 2024
Small reminder: On German holidays, all stores (grocery stores, etc.) are closed. Only gas stations, some restaurants, cinemas, etc. are open.
Sports offer
Registration and Payment
Please use our portal SAM for registration and payment, cash payment at our cashier’s office “Kasse” is only possible in exceptional cases. At the beginning of each class, the trainer will give some instructions and refresh your memories on the regulations for the prevention of accidents and the hygiene and safety rules. If you would like to bring friends to the sports course, please pay the respective amount in cash at the cashier’s office and bring the proof of payment to class to show to your trainer.
Current Courses
New in our course list are Thai Chi, chess and the possibility to get a gliding licence. The Tai-Chi trainer is Thomas Kral, who has been practising Chinese martial arts for many years. He wants to bring us closer to the art of movement, which unites health and martial arts, and provide us with recuperation and relaxation. The chess department at Empor West Zwickau offers the chess course. The introductory class to gliding will be held by the Aero Club Zwickau.
Due to fire safety regulations, we urge you to NOT leave your clothing in the room in front of the Gym “Mehrzweckhalle“. Please use the lockers in the changing room. Thank you. This semester we offer a climbing course for advanced climbers.
Already fixed dates:
- Introductory class for diving, boating and gliding licences: 11 Oct. 2023, at room PKB, 165 at city center campus. Please register for this via SAM.
- The hiking trip for our foreign students will take place on 20 Oct. 2023.
As always you can use SAM for course registration and payment. The course registration is now available. Please read the course description.
We are looking forward to welcoming you and to enjoy the sporting duels, the community and the joy of sport and movement together.The university sports team is happy to answer any questions you may have.
Which opportunities for scholarships and funding exist?
If your need financial support during your stay in Germany, you can apply for a scholarship. There are serveral opportunities for foreign students. On the following websites you can find more information about scholarships and financial support for foreign students in Germany:
- Find scholarships - DAAD
- Scholarships and funding opportunities for foreign students - [ German Education Server ]
- Study financing for international students (
Alternative financial support:
If you are interested in the Management and Information Technology degree programme, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will support you with any questions about the MITy study programme, registration, and academic and organisational issues. You can directly contact the programme manager Stefan Noack or use the contact form.

Staff for teaching-related tasks Accounting and Finance
+49 375 536-3469
+49 375 536-3104
Visitor address:
Campus Eckersbach
Haus 6, Raum 6319
Scheffelstraße 39
08066 Zwickau