Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Markus Seidel

Professor of Mathematics
+49 375 536 1386 / 1388
+49 375 536 1390
Room: PKB 368 (Kornmarkt 1, building PKB)
We 15:00-16:00, or by proir arrangement
- Mathematics in Engineering and Computer Sciences
- Software course Image Processing (MatLab, MathCAD)
Former (Chemnitz University of Technology):
- Mathematics for students of Physics, Engineering Sciences and Mathematics
(analysis, linear algebra, complex analysis, algebra, functional analysis, integration and measure theory)
Research interests
- applied functional analysis
- operator and spectral theory
- approximation methods and stability
- complexity
- Fredholm theory in Banach algebras
- Finite sections of band-dominated operators: l^p-theory,
with B. Silbermann,
Complex Anal. Oper. Theory., Volume 2, Number 4 (2008), 683-699.
- Banach algebras of structured matrix sequences,
with B. Silbermann,
Linear Algebra Appl., 430 (2009), 1243-1281.
- On the stability of collocation methods for Cauchy singular integral equations in weighted L^p spaces,
with P. Junghanns and G. Mastroianni,
Math. Nachr., 283(1) (2010), 58-84.
- Banach algebras of operator sequences,
with B. Silbermann,
Oper. Matrices, Volume 6, Number 3 (2012), 385-432.
- On (N,epsilon)-pseudospectra of operators on Banach spaces,
J. Funct. Anal., 262(11) (2012), 4916-4927.
- Finite sections of band-dominated operators - norms, condition numbers and pseudospectra,
with B. Silbermann,
Operator Theory: Adv. and Appl., 228 (2013), 375-390.
- On an open question about the stability of the finite section method for a class of convolution type operators,
Integr. Equ. Oper. Theory., 75(2) (2013), 249-255.
- Fredholm theory for band-dominated and related operators: a survey,
Linear Algebra Appl., 445 (2014), 373-394,
arXiv:1307.1635 .
- An Affirmative Answer to a Core Issue on Limit Operators,
with M. Lindner,
J. Funct. Anal., 267(3) (2014), 901-917,
- Quasi-banded operators, convolutions with almost periodic or quasi-continuous data, and their approximations,
with H. Mascarenhas, P. A. Santos,
J. Math. Anal. Appl., 418(2) (2014), 938-963.
- On semi-Fredholm band-dominated operators,
Integr. Equ. Oper. Theory., 83(1) (2015), 35-47,
- New barriers in complexity theory: On the Solvability Complexity Index and towers of algorithms,
with J. Ben-Artzi, A. C. Hansen, O. Nevanlinna.
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 353 (2015), 931-936.
- Essential pseudospectra and essential norms of band-dominated operators,
with R. Hagger and M. Lindner.
J. Math. Anal. Appl. 437(1) (2016), 255-291,
- Norms, condition numbers and pseudospectra of convolution type operators on intervals,
Operator Theory: Adv. and Appl., 259 (2017), 663-680.
- Approximation sequences on Banach spaces: a rich approach,
with H. Mascarenhas and P. A. Santos.
J. London Math. Soc. 96(1) (2017), 86-110.
- Can everything be computed? - On the Solvability Complexity Index and Towers of Algorithms,
with J. Ben-Artzi, A. C. Hansen, O. Nevanlinna. submitted