Christopher Taudt, Bryan Nelsen, Tobias Baselt, Edmund Koch, and Peter Hartmann, "High-dynamic-range areal profilometry using an imaging, dispersion-encoded low-coherence interferometer," Opt. Express 28, 17320-17333 (2020)
Jarschel, T.; Laroque, C.; Maschke, R.; Hartmann, P. Practical Classification and Evaluation of Optically Recorded Food Data by Using Various Big-Data Analysis Technologies. Machines 2020, 8, 34.
Christopher Taudt, Tobias Baselt, Bryan Nelsen, Edmund Koch, and Peter Hartmann "One-shot roughness measurements based on dispersion-encoded low coherence interferometry", Proc. SPIE 11352, Optics and Photonics for Advanced Dimensional Metrology, 1135212 (1 April 2020);
M. Gruner, R. Maschke, Ch. Taudt, P. Hoyer and P. Hartmann, "Laser vibrometric characterization and model development of a human vocal tract for acoustic therapy of deaf patients", SPIE Photonics West, Proceedings Volume 11229, Advanced Biomedical and Clinical Diagnostic and Surgical Guidance Systems XVIII; 1122913 (2020)
T. Baselt, Ch. Taudt, B. Nelsen, A. F. Lasagni and P. Hartmann, "Supermode supercontinuum generation in the cladding of a photonic crystal fiber", Proceedings Volume 11264, Nonlinear Frequency Generation and Conversion: Materials and Devices XIX; 112641Z (2020)
T. Baselt, Ch. Taudt, A. Kabardiadi-Virkovski, I. Prade, A. F. Lasagni and P. Hartmann, "Non-disruptive Supercontinuum based scattering analyses of cartilage and collagen before and after apoptosis and necrosis", SPIE Photonics Europe, Proceedings Volume 11363, Tissue Optics and Photonics; 113630R (2020)
T. Baselt, B. Nelsen, A. F. Lasagni and P. Hartmann: "Supercontinuum Generation in the Cladding Modes of an Endlessly Single-Mode Fiber" Appl. Sci. 9, 4428 (2019)
Taudt, C.; Nelsen, B.; Rossegger, E.; Schlögl, S.; Koch, E.; Hartmann, P. Spatially Resolved Cross-Linking Characterization by Imaging Low-Coherence Interferometry. Sensors 2019, 19, 1152.
Tobias Baselt, Alexander Kabardiadi-Virkovski, Daniel Ruf, Bryan L. Nelsen, Andrés Fabián Lasagni, Peter Hartmann, "Supercontinuum-based nondisruptive scattering analyses of mouse fibroblast L929 cells before and after necrosis," J. Biomed. Opt. 23(12) 121619, 2018.
F. Rudek, Th. Puder, Ch. Taudt, P. Hartmann,"Multispectral imaging system for the structural analysis of highly transparent technical surfaces", Proc. SPIE 10925, 2019,
Ch. Taudt, T. Baselt, B. Nelsen, E. Koch und P. Hartmann: "Nano-3D-Profilometrie auf Basis dispersionskodierter Kurzkohärenzinterferometrie", Wissenschaftliche Berichte / Scientific Reports HS Mittweida 01/2019, pp. 66-69, ISSN 1437-7624
B. Nelsen, A. Kabardiadi-Virkovski, T. Baselt, Ch. Taudt, P. Hartmann,"Kilohertz dynamic Fourier filter for synthetic-aperture binary hologram reconstruction" Proceedings Volume 10944, Practical Holography XXXIII: Displays, Materials, and Applications; 109440U (2019)
Ch. Taudt, M. Preuß, B. Nelsen, T. Baselt, E. Koch, P. Hartmann, "Thin-film characterization with a dual-channel, dispersion-encoded imaging low-coherence interferometry approach", SPIE Photonics West, Proceedings Volume 10925, Photonic Instrumentation Engineering VI; 109250L (2019)
M. Wittig, Georg N. Rogler, Alexander Kabardiadi-Virkovski, T. Baselt, B. Nelsen, P. Hartmann: "Evaluation of a high-speed multispectral light source for stroboscopic differential imaging for endocardial examination of Daphnia magna", Photonics West 2019, San Fransisco, Proceedings Volume 10883, Three-Dimensional and Multidimensional Microscopy: Image Acquisition and Processing XXVI; 108830B (2019)
P. -P. Jacobs; B. Nelsen; Ch. Taudt; F. Rudek; P. Hartmann: "In-process monitoring of laser ablation on thin steel membranes by multispectral shape from-shading", Proc. SPIE 10925,109250E (4 March 2019),Proceedings Volume 10925, Photonic Instrumentation Engineering VI; 109250E (2019)
R. Maschke, Ch. Taudt, F. Rudek, P. Hartmann: "Floor-integrateable optical fall detector for frail people", SPIE Optical Metrology Munich, 2019,Proceedings Volume 11059, Multimodal Sensing: Technologies and Applications; 110591A (2019)
Th. Puder, F. Rudek, Ch. Taudt, A. Kabardiadi-Virkovski, and P. Hartmann "Development of an experimental setup and a study for the comparison between optical properties and the subjective perception of a quality of a display surface", SPIE Optical Metrology 2019, Proceedings Volume 11056, Optical Measurement Systems for Industrial Inspection XI; 1105625 (2019)
Tomas Nemecek, Matej Komanec, Bryan Nelsen, Tomas Martan, Dmytro Suslov, Peter Hartmann, Stanislav Zvanovec, Experimentally and analytically derived generalized model for the detection of liquids with suspended-core optical fibers, Optical Fiber Technology, Volume 45, 2018, Pages 295-299.
T. Baselt, A. Kabardiadi-Virkovski, D. Ruf, B. Nelsen, A. F. Lasagni, and P. Hartmann: "Supercontinuum-based nondisruptive scattering analyses of mouse fibroblast L929 cells before and after necrosis," Journal of Biomedical Optics 23(12), 121619 (19 December 2018).
Taudt, C.; Nelsen, B.; Schlögl, S.; Koch, E.; Hartmann, P. Fast Cross-Linking-Characterization of Waveguide-Polymers on Wafers by Imaging Low-Coherence Interferometry. Proceedings 2018, 2(13), 1046;
T. Baselt, C. Richter,F.Rudek, B. Nelsen, A. F. Lasagni, P. Hartmann:"Detection of structural changes based on Mie-scattering analyses of mouse fibroblast L929 cells before and after necrosis" SPIE Photonics Europe 2018 Paper 10685-158,
B. Nelsen, P.Jacobs, Ch. Taudt, F. Rudek, P. Hartmann, "Holographic characterization and laser structuring of a microphone membrane", SPIE Photonics Europe 2018 Paper 10678-16,Proceedings Volume 10678, Optical Micro- and Nanometrology VII; 106780F (2018)
M. Preuss, B. Nelsen, Ch.Taudt, P.Hartmann, "Dispersion-controlled low-coherent interferometry for thin-film characterization", SPIE Photonics Europe 2018 Paper 10678-28, Proceedings Volume 10678, Optical Micro- and Nanometrology VII; 106780R (2018)
Prof. Dr. Tina Geweniger
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