Prof. Zigan

Leupold-Institut für Angewandte Naturwissenschaften (LIAN)

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Zigan

Jahrgang 1975

Short vita

Dr. Stefan Zigan, is a research active academic, teaching at the department Faculty of Physical Engineering/Computer Sciences modules related to Green Engineering and Sustainability such as renewable energies, resource management and circular economy. He is programme leader of the international degree programme Advanced Green Engineering and Sustainable Management. In this degree programme he incorporates his teaching experience from several international institutions such as the University of Greenwich and the University of Surrey, Great Britain, where he taught for more than 10 years chemical engineering subjects (2008- 2021). He has been working continuously on implementing innovative teaching methods, such as student focused learning approaches and digitalisation in the classroom and attended Higher Education training (PG-Cert) for further developing his teaching skills. 

Before becoming a lecturer at the university of Greenwich he pursued his doctoral studies at the University of Surrey optimising processes in the alumina industry (2004-2008). After finishing his Bachelor studies in Chemical (2001) he worked as a design engineer in the automotive and the aviation industry.

Subject specific knowledge

  • Transformation of complex systems
  • Chemical Engineering/ Recycling
  • Ecology/ water and air protection
  • Renewable energies


  • Modelling and process optimisation of complex particulate systems in CFD and DEM
  • Sustainable analysis, GHG reporting (Scope 1, 2, 3)
  • Characterisation of material properties and flow behaviours of particulate matter

Responsibilities Research

  • Erasmus coordinator of the faculty PTI


  • Stone, L., Zigan, S., Lulbadda Waduge, L. L., Hastie, D. (2021) A modelling and validation approach for predicting particle  concentrations of airborne dust during the filling process of cylindrical silos, Applied Sciences, 11, 1-17
  • Stone, L., Hastie, D., Zigan, S., (2019) Using a coupled CFD – DPM approach to predict particle settling in a horizontal air stream, Advanced Powder Technology, 30, 4, 869-878
  • Lulbadda Waduge, L.L., Zigan S., Stone, L.E., Belaidi A., García-Trinanes, P, (2017) Predicting concentrations of fine particles in enclosed vessels using a camera based system and CFD simulations, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 105, 262–273
  • Simons, T.A.H. , Bensmann, S., Zigan S., Feise H.J., Zetzener H., Kwade A. (2016) Characterization of granular mixing in a helical ribbon blade blender, Powder Technology, 293, 15–25
  • Skarvelis-Kazakos, S., Papadopoulos, P., Grau Unda, I., Gorman, T., Belaidi, A. and Zigan, S. (2015) Multiple energy carrier optimisation with intelligent agents. Applied Energy, 167. pp. 323-335. ISSN 0306-2619 (doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2015.10.130)


Internationalisation of degree programmes and transformation of learning approaches in a digital age


Prof. Dr. Stefan Zigan
Westsächsische Hochschule Zwickau
Fakultät Physikalische Technik/ Informatik

Leupold-Institut für Angewandte Naturwissenschaften

Kornmarkt 1
08056 Zwickau

+49 375 536 1529
+49 375 536 1503