

20824 Ergebnisse:
2431. China - About Chinese Universities  
URL: mity/partner-network/china/#c33918
About Chinese UniversitiesHigher education in China has a history of more than 100 years. In total, there are around 3,000 state-recognised universities in China, which offer you exciting…  
2432. China - About China (Disclaimer - is in planning)  
URL: mity/partner-network/china/#c33917
About China (Disclaimer - is in planning)With about 1.37 billion inhabitants, China is the country with the highest population and one of the strongest economic growths in the world. The country…  
2433. Armenia - About the Armenian State University of Economics  
URL: mity/partner-network/armenia/#c33915
About the Armenian State University of EconomicsThe Armenian State University of Economics (ASUE) was founded in 1930, but modern history of the university begins on August 6, 1975. ASUE emphasizes…  
2434. Armenia - Study Fees  
URL: mity/partner-network/armenia/#c33916
Study Fees The study fees and cost of living in Armenia is comparably low. The illustration below shows an exemplary distribution of the costs associated with studying at ASUE in Armenia. This…  
2435. Armenia - About Armenia  
URL: mity/partner-network/armenia/#c33914
About ArmeniaArmenia is located in the Armenian Highlands on the southern Caucasus, a high mountain range, and borders Georgia, Azerbaijan, Iran, and Turkey. It is a small country with a long and…  
2436. Team Fraunhofer AZOM und Kontakt - Gruppenleiter Optische Inspektionstechnik  
URL: forschung/einrichtungen/institute-und-forschungszentren/fraunhofer-azom/kontakt-anfahrt/#c33913
Gruppenleiter Optische InspektionstechnikJonas GoldeFraunhofer-Institut für Werkstoff- und Strahltechnik IWS Winterbergstr. 28 01277 Dresden +49 351 83391 3886 mobil: +49 174 699 6189…  
2437. 31 Studierende erhalten an der WHZ ein Deutschlandstipendium  
URL: hochschule/informationen/pressemitteilungen/details/?tx_news_pi1%5Bnews%5D=8382&tx_news_pi1%5Bcontroller%5D=News&tx_news_pi1%5Baction%5D=detail&cHash=34babb6c7dc1bb2274c5e3ce223d9092
Rektor übergibt Urkunden an Stipendiaten Die Westsächsische Hochschule Zwickau (WHZ) konnte in diesem Jahr an 31 Studierende ein Deutschland-Stipendium vergeben. Dahinter stehen insgesamt 14 Förderer aus Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft.  
2438. Team Fraunhofer AZOM und Kontakt - Gruppenleiter Optische Fasertechnologien  
URL: forschung/einrichtungen/institute-und-forschungszentren/fraunhofer-azom/kontakt-anfahrt/#c17149
Gruppenleiter Optische Fasertechnologien Dr.-Ing. Tobias Baselt +49 375 536-1970  
2439. Partner Network  
URL: mity/partner-network/#c33911
The MITy study programme consists of six universities situated in Asia and Europe. Thus, this double degree programme offers a diverse and international perspective on management and computer…  
2440. Application - Study and examination regulations  
URL: mity/application/#c33910
Study and examination regulationsThe exact requirements and regulations can be found in the study and examination regulations. You still have questions? Then please contact us.   
Suchergebnisse 2431 bis 2440 von 20824