

Bitte beachten Sie: Suchbegriffe unter einer Länge von vier Buchstaben werden ignoriert.
20385 Ergebnisse:
5781. International Students - Networking with local companies  
URL: english/study/students/student-services/career-service/international-students/#c29210
Networking with local companiesCompany databaseOur company database contains numerous companies from various sectors. Find out more about them during a counselling interview.ExcursionsWe…  
5782. International Students - Preparation for practice with workshops and further training offers  
URL: english/study/students/student-services/career-service/international-students/#c29209
Preparation for practice with workshops and further training offersYou are an international student or graduate and want to do an internship or work in Germany? In our workshops we show you what is…  
5783. International Students - Your search for a job or internship in the region  
URL: english/study/students/student-services/career-service/international-students/#c29208
Your search for a job or internship in the regionIf you are looking for a job, the WHZ's job exchange is a good place to start. Here you can get a good overview of the industries and jobs available…  
5784. Sideline and Holiday Jobs  
URL: english/study/students/student-services/career-service/career-service-online/sideline-and-holiday-jobs/#c29186
Sideline and holiday jobs are often simple activities. However, a student trainee position is, strictly speaking, also a part-time job and can therefore also include demanding technical tasks. You…  
5785. Example_cover_letter_450_EUR_job__ENG_.pdf  
URL: fileadmin/english/images/Example_cover_letter_450_EUR_job__ENG_.pdf
5786. Vergabenummer BV 2022-09-08  
URL: fileadmin/hochschule/verwaltung/dtb/docs/beschaffungsvorhaben/2022/BV_2022-09-08.pdf
Vergabenummer BV 2022-09-08 Die WHZ Zwickau beabsichtigt für Forschung und Lehre, im Bereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften, die Konzeption einer Schulung über „SAP-Schnittstellen“ zu beauftragen.  
5787. International Students - Language Corner  
URL: english/study/students/student-services/career-service/international-students/#c29212
Language CornerThen come and join us in the Language Corner. We meet once a month currently at BBB: Dates: 11.10 25.10 08.11 29.11 13.12  
5788. International Students  
URL: english/study/students/student-services/career-service/international-students/#c29205
Information for Ukrainian refugees  
5789. International Students  
URL: studium/studierende/berufseinstieggruendung/career-service/international-students/#c29529
Jobben neben dem Studium Arbeiten nach dem Studium Praktikum weltweit  
5790. Unser Team - Ihre Ansprechpartner - Abnstand  
URL: hochschule/organisation/zentrale-hochschulverwaltung/dezernate/dezernat-studienangelegenheiten/seitenelemente/ansprechpartner/#c29528
Suchergebnisse 5781 bis 5790 von 20385