

20654 Ergebnisse:
12931. Showcase research projects  
URL: english/research/showcase-research-projects/#c14422
The five research profile lines superbly combine the research activities of currently more than 150 ongoing projects and thus represent our modern interpretation of the megatrend „mobility” in the…  
12932. Research profiles - Cyber Physical Systems and Digitisation  
URL: english/research/research-profiles/#c14403
Cyber Physical Systems and Digitisation Connecting the physical with the virtual world - analogue with digital - mechanical components via networks and modern information technology. The research…  
12933. Forschungsprofile - Cyber Physical Systems und Digitalisierung  
URL: forschung/forschung-an-der-whz/forschungsprofile/#c14021
Cyber Physical Systems und DigitalisierungVerbindung der physischen mit der virtuellen Welt – Analoges mit Digitalem - mechanische Komponenten über Netzwerke und moderne Informationstechnik.Die…  
12934. Research  
URL: english/research/#c12497
Application-oriented research will continue to make a decisive contribution to addressing the major societal challenges and provides answers to scientific, economic and social questions. Our…  
12935. Showcase research projects - Quiet Lanisor furniture  
URL: english/research/showcase-research-projects/#c14428
Quiet Lanisor furniture A group of design students have created a collection of furniture made of felt wrapped around simple wooden frameworks. The students used fibre composite…  
12936. First Lego League (FLL)  
URL: studium/studieninteressenten/angebote-fuer-schueler-innen-eltern-und-lehrkraefte/first-lego-league/#c12762
Die First Lego League (FLL) ist ein internationaler Roboter- und Forschungswettbewerb für Kinder und Jugendliche von 9 bis 16 Jahren, der in einer sportlichen Atmosphäre an Wissenschaft und…  
12937. Research - Our research magazine  
URL: english/research/#c12499
Our research magazine With the magazine Campusforschung [campus research], we would like to expand the showcase of our research achievements and provide comprehensive information on current…  
12938. Research  
URL: english/research/#c14415
12939. Showcase research projects - The teledoctor is on his way  
URL: english/research/showcase-research-projects/#c14423
The teledoctor is on his way “Telematics support for the impulse region of Vogtland 2020” is the title of a project in which out-patient service centres are to be established in areas where general…  
12940. Bekanntmachungen 3/2018  
URL: fileadmin/hochschule/docs/bekanntmachungen/Bekanntmachungen_2018_3.pdf
PDF: Bekanntmachungen der WHZ. Nr. 3 / 2018. Änderung der Ordnung über das Verfahren der Zulassung, Immatrikulation, Rückmeldung, Beurlaubung und Exmatrikulation; Regelung zur Umsetzung der Verordnung des SMWK über Art und Umfang der Aufgaben…  
Suchergebnisse 12931 bis 12940 von 20654