

Bitte beachten Sie: Suchbegriffe unter einer Länge von vier Buchstaben werden ignoriert.
20214 Ergebnisse:
6771. Ukrainehilfe - Studium Generale und Bürgerakademie  
URL: studium/internationales/internationaler-campus/ukrainehilfe/#c27871
Studium Generale und Bürgerakademie Das Studium generale ergänzt als integraler Bestandteil des Studiums die Grundlagen- bzw. Fachausbildung. Jeweils zu Beginn eines Semesters veröffentlicht das…  
6772. Information for Ukrainian Refugees - Ukraine support of the city of Zwickau  
URL: english/study/incomings/application/information-for-ukrainian-refugees/#c28098
Ukraine support of the city of Zwickau Ukraine support of the city of Zwickau - Information and important links (German) On this page support offers of organizations , initiatives or private…  
6773. Information for Ukrainian Refugees - Support for deaf refugees from Ukraine  
URL: english/study/incomings/application/information-for-ukrainian-refugees/#c28099
Support for deaf refugees from UkraineDeaf refugees Saxony is a team of volunteers from the sign language community of Leipzig, Dresden, Chemnitz and Zwickau (supported by the City Association of…  
6774. Information for Ukrainian Refugees - General questions about working in Saxony  
URL: english/study/incomings/application/information-for-ukrainian-refugees/#c28100
General questions about working in SaxonyThe IQ Network Saxony supports migrants in their integration into the labor market. You can take up the following offers: Use the online info café for…  
6775. Information for Ukrainian Refugees - Information videos by the State of Saxony  
URL: english/study/incomings/application/information-for-ukrainian-refugees/#c28101
Information videos by the State of SaxonyYou can find videos with information on: learning German Schools Social support Housing Work Kindergarden Health People with disabilities Psychosocial…  
6776. Veranstaltungen - World Café - 09. Februar 2022  
URL: gpw/forschung/forschungsprojekt-tek-rettungsdienst/projektergebnisse/veranstaltungen/#c26841
World Café - 09. Februar 2022Am 09. Februar 2022 fand in der Projektwerkstatt der AOK Plus in Dresden unser World Café mit den Praxisanleiter*innen der projektbeteiligten Rettungsdienste sowie…  
6777. Information for Ukrainian Refugees - Studium generale  
URL: english/study/incomings/application/information-for-ukrainian-refugees/#c28108
Studium generaleAs an integral part of the study program, the Studium generale supplements the basic and specialized education. At the beginning of each semester, the Prorectorate for Education…  
6778. Information for Ukrainian Refugees - Other options and offers  
URL: english/study/incomings/application/information-for-ukrainian-refugees/#c28107
Other options and offers  
6779. Information for Ukrainian Refugees - More information and external partners  
URL: english/study/incomings/application/information-for-ukrainian-refugees/#c28104
More information and external partners  
6780. Information for Ukrainian Refugees - Ukrainian partner universities of UAS Zwickau  
URL: english/study/incomings/application/information-for-ukrainian-refugees/#c28102
Ukrainian partner universities of UAS ZwickauLviv Polytechnic National University   Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University  
Suchergebnisse 6771 bis 6780 von 20214