

20827 Ergebnisse:
5701. Möglichkeiten für Unternehmen - companyZOOM - Wir machen Ihr Unternehmen sichtbar  
URL: studium/studierende/berufseinstieggruendung/career-service/moeglichkeiten-fuer-unternehmen/#c28408
companyZOOM - Wir machen Ihr Unternehmen sichtbarMit companyZOOM eröffnen Sie den Studierenden und AbsolventInnen eine neue Perspektive, Ihr Unternehmen kennenzulernen. Die digitale Plattform…  
5702. Opportunities for companies  
URL: english/study/students/student-services/career-service/opportunities-for-companies/#c29241
Would you like to present your company directly to our students on campus? The Career Service offers several opportunities to do so.  
5703. Working after graduation  
URL: english/study/students/student-services/career-service/international-students/working-after-graduation/#c29236
Please note: For international students from non-EU countries who have graduated in Germany, the residence title "Beschäftigung nach §18 Abs. 4 AufenthG." is mainly relevant.  
5704. Working after graduation - Visa (§18c AufenthG.)  
URL: english/study/students/student-services/career-service/international-students/working-after-graduation/#c29235
Visa (§18c AufenthG.)Third-country nationals generally require a visa to enter Germany, regardless of whether they are coming to the country as a tourist or wish to work here.1. visa to seek…  
5705. Working after graduation - Residence permit (§18 AufenthG.)  
URL: english/study/students/student-services/career-service/international-students/working-after-graduation/#c29234
Residence permit (§18 AufenthG.)Third-country nationals who have completed vocational training or a university degree abroad can obtain a temporary residence permit if... there is a concrete job…  
5706. Working after graduation - Self-employed activity - § 21 para. 2a AufenthG  
URL: english/study/students/student-services/career-service/international-students/working-after-graduation/#c29233
Self-employed activity - § 21 para. 2a AufenthGThe following certificates are required: A German university degree The intended activity must show a connection with the knowledge acquired in the…  
5707. Beratungsangebot - Allgemeine Beratungsangebote  
URL: studium/studierende/beratungsangebot/#c5416
Allgemeine Beratungsangebote Allgemeine Studienberatung Studienfachberatung der Fakultäten Studentische Beratung  
5708. Studienberatung  
URL: studium/studieninteressenten/orientierungsangebote/studienberatung/#c29229
5709. Working while studying - Further procedure...  
URL: english/study/students/student-services/career-service/international-students/working-while-studying/#c29227
Further procedure...If you have a residence title and are enrolled, you can work in Germany. You now need the supplementary sheet for the residence title. You can get this from the Foreigners'…  
5710. Working while studying - Allowed activities  
URL: english/study/students/student-services/career-service/international-students/working-while-studying/#c29226
Allowed activities Part-time student jobs e.g. student assistant at the university, at the student union (dormitory administration, canteen, etc.) may be carried out without restriction but …  
Suchergebnisse 5701 bis 5710 von 20827