

20654 Ergebnisse:
5611. Leitsätze  
URL: hochschule/ueber-uns/leitsaetze/#c28826
Wir sind die Hochschule für Mobilität Wir leben, lehren und erforschen Mobilität in allen Facetten und sind stets bereit, neue Wege zu wagen. Wir sind eine Gemeinschaft Als Studierende, Lehrende,…  
5612. Working after graduation - Employment (§18 para. 4 AufenthG.)  
URL: english/study/students/student-services/career-service/international-students/working-after-graduation/#c29231
Employment (§18 para. 4 AufenthG.)International graduates from German universities must provide evidence of the following: A concrete job offer (with employment contract and precise job…  
5613. Schulungsangebote - Bibliothekseinführung zum Semesterstart  
URL: bib/service/schulungsangebote/#c28873
Bibliothekseinführung zum Semesterstart Bibliotheksbenutzung Rundgang Einfache KatalogrechercheDauer: ca. 60 minDie Termine werden in Abstimmung mit den Fakultäten organisiert und rechtzeitig…  
5614. Propaedeutikum_2022.pdf  
URL: fileadmin/fakultaeten/spr/docs/aktuelles/Propaedeutikum_2022.pdf
5615. About Us - UAG University and Economy  
URL: english/study/students/student-services/career-service/about-us/#c29283
UAG University and EconomyOriginally founded in 2014 as a sub-working group on "dropping out of university" of the Round Table on Securing a Skilled Workforce in Zwickau, the UAG was…  
5616. About Us - Job Factory - Career Service  
URL: english/study/students/student-services/career-service/about-us/#c29277
Job Factory - Career ServiceJob Factory - Career ServiceFirst funding phase: 10/2009 - 09/2012 Second funding phase: 10/2012 - 10/2013 Third funding phase: 10/2013 - 10/2014 Funded by: European…  
5617. About Us - AlumniInternational Zwickau  
URL: english/study/students/student-services/career-service/about-us/#c29276
AlumniInternational ZwickauAlumniInternational ZwickauFunding period: 01/2019 - 12/2020 Funded by: Federal Foreign OfficeProject Management: Prof. Dr. Stephan KasselProject…  
5618. About Us - StuduKo - Study Success through Competence: Field of Action H1, Alumni Work  
URL: english/study/students/student-services/career-service/about-us/#c29275
StuduKo - Study Success through Competence: Field of Action H1, Alumni Work  StuduKo - Studienerfolg durch Kompetenz-First funding phase: 09/2011 - 08/2016Second funding phase:…  
5619. About Us - Career Service Netzwerk Deutschland e. V. (csnd)  
URL: english/study/students/student-services/career-service/about-us/#c29279
Career Service Netzwerk Deutschland e. V. (csnd)The West Saxon University of Applied Sciences Zwickau is a member of the Career Service Netzwerk Deutschland e.V., the umbrella organisation of…  
5620. Practical projects - Praxis+  
URL: english/study/students/student-services/career-service/practical-projects/#c29265
Praxis+"Praxis+" The interdisciplinary and intercultural practice project to promote the transition to the regional labour market.What is it about?The Praxis+ project at WHZ is aimed…  
Suchergebnisse 5611 bis 5620 von 20654