

20654 Ergebnisse:
5711. Curriculum Vitae - 5. Personal Skills and Expertise  
URL: english/study/students/student-services/career-service/career-service-online/the-search/curriculum-vitae/#c29159
5. Personal Skills and Expertise Further education and training courses, special additional qualifications and certifications; driving licence(s). Select the continuing education courses relevant to…  
5712. Curriculum Vitae - 4. School Education  
URL: english/study/students/student-services/career-service/career-service-online/the-search/curriculum-vitae/#c29158
4. School Education Period (to the month) Name of school DegreeOnly the school at which the higher education entrance qualification was obtained is stated, in rare cases all school-leaving…  
5713. Curriculum Vitae - 3. Study  
URL: english/study/students/student-services/career-service/career-service-online/the-search/curriculum-vitae/#c29157
3. Study Period (to the month) Name of university Degree Course of study Specialisation Grade, if applicable  
5714. Curriculum Vitae - 2. Work Experience  
URL: english/study/students/student-services/career-service/career-service-online/the-search/curriculum-vitae/#c29156
2. Work Experience Period (to the month): Company name: Position: Tasks (very brief, bullet point description)  
5715. Curriculum Vitae - 1. Personal Data  
URL: english/study/students/student-services/career-service/career-service-online/the-search/curriculum-vitae/#c29155
1. Personal Data Address: Email: Phone: Date of birth/Place: Nationality: Marital status: (optional)  
5716. Die Anlagen  
URL: studium/studierende/berufseinstieggruendung/career-service/career-service-online/die-suche/die-anlagen/#c17960
Grundsätzlich gilt: Du brauchst für alle deine Lebensstationen einen Beleg in Form eines Zeugnisses oder Nachweises. Diese Dokumente sind aber nicht immer alle für deine Bewerbung relevant. Was…  
5717. Cover Letter - NoGoes!  
URL: english/study/students/student-services/career-service/career-service-online/the-search/cover-letter/#c29171
NoGoes!On average, recruiters only take 2 minutes per application. The following stumbling blocks will quickly catapult you out of the running: Introductory phrases such as "I hereby apply…  
5718. Cover Letter - That's how it works!  
URL: english/study/students/student-services/career-service/career-service-online/the-search/cover-letter/#c29170
That's how it works!Every application requires an individual cover letter. The following tips will help you find the right wording. The application must fit the company! Look into the company like…  
5719. Cover Letter - What is the best way to start?  
URL: english/study/students/student-services/career-service/career-service-online/the-search/cover-letter/#c29169
What is the best way to start?The CV is done but you don't really know how to start with the cover letter? Here's how to get started: Study the company's website and the job advertisement…  
5720. Das Anschreiben  
URL: studium/studierende/berufseinstieggruendung/career-service/career-service-online/die-suche/das-anschreiben/#c17886
Bei einer Bewerbung für ein Praktikum oder eine Einstiegsposition musst du nicht mit praktischen Erfahrungen und abgeschlossenen Qualifikationen punkten, weil du das als Praktikant bzw.…  
Suchergebnisse 5711 bis 5720 von 20654