

20827 Ergebnisse:
5681. Individual Consultation - Change of perspective after graduation  
URL: english/study/students/student-services/career-service/individual-consultation/#c29135
Change of perspective after graduationYou already have your degree in your pocket but actually want to do something completely different? Then take a look here!If you have any further questions,…  
5682. Individual Consultation  
URL: english/study/students/student-services/career-service/individual-consultation/#c29139
Personal consultation hours:Tuesday, 14:00 to 17:00, Paul-Kirchoff-Bau, PKB 226 (Campus Innenstadt, directly above the refectory). Individual appointments are also possible at any time, contact…  
5683. Career Service  
URL: english/study/students/student-services/career-service/#c29117
View all messages  
5684. Career Service  
URL: english/study/students/student-services/career-service/#c29292
The Career Service of the West Saxon University of Applied Sciences Zwickau aims to network with the professional world as an interface between the university and companies.  
5685. Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Matthias Richter - Professor für Wirtschaftsmathematik, Betriebliche Modellierung und Simulation  
URL: wiw/personen/professorinnen/prof-dr-rer-nat-matthias-richter/#c4158
Professor für Wirtschaftsmathematik, Betriebliche Modellierung und SimulationBesucheradresse: Campus Eckersbach Haus 3, Raum 3109 Scheffelstr. 39 08066 Zwickau…  
5686. Marion Wendt - Dekanatssekretärin  
URL: wiw/personen/mitarbeiterinnen/marion-wendt/#c4315
DekanatssekretärinBesucheradresse: Campus Eckersbach Haus 6, Raum 6207 Scheffelstraße 39 08066 Zwickau 375 536 3442 +49 375 536 47 3104  
5687. Kontakt und Anfahrt - Fakultät Wirtschaftswissenschaften  
URL: wiw/organisation/kontakt-und-anfahrt/#c3805
Fakultät WirtschaftswissenschaftenPostanschrift Westsächsische Hochschule Zwickau Fakultät Wirtschaftswissenschaften Kornmarkt 1, 08056 Zwickau Besucheradresse: Westsächsische Hochschule Zwickau…  
5688. About Us - Career Service Netzwerk Sachsen  
URL: english/study/students/student-services/career-service/about-us/#c29280
Career Service Netzwerk SachsenAs a regional group of csnd e. V., the Saxon Career Services meet regularly to exchange experiences and to professionalise their work.  
5689. About Us - Our networks  
URL: english/study/students/student-services/career-service/about-us/#c29278
Our networks  
5690. About Us - Our projects (completed)  
URL: english/study/students/student-services/career-service/about-us/#c29273
Our projects (completed)  
Suchergebnisse 5681 bis 5690 von 20827