

Bitte beachten Sie: Suchbegriffe unter einer Länge von vier Buchstaben werden ignoriert.
20391 Ergebnisse:
4101. International Degree Programmes - Languages & Business Administration (Bachelor)  
URL: english/study/incomings/international-degree-programs/#c28654
Languages & Business Administration (Bachelor) In the Bachelor's programme, which covers both language skills and fundamental business knowledge, students can choose between four specialisations…  
4102. International Degree Programmes - Business in a Digital World (MBA)  
URL: english/study/incomings/international-degree-programs/#c28463
Business in a Digital World (MBA) The MBA in "Business in a Digital World" combines business science content with relevant issues from the field of business informatics. Students receive…  
4103. International Degree Programmes - Internet of Things & Smart Systems (Master)  
URL: english/study/incomings/international-degree-programs/#c28465
Internet of Things & Smart Systems (Master) Whether it‘s effectively monitoring industrial plants remotely, tracking a vehicle fleet, or maintaining logistical supply chains. The potential of…  
4104. International Degree Programmes - Road Traffic Engineering (Master)  
URL: english/study/incomings/international-degree-programs/#c28466
Road Traffic Engineering (Master) With the degree programme in "Road Traffic Engineering", graduates will be able to develop and plan complex and traffic flow-optimising concepts, design…  
4105. International Degree Programmes - Advanced Green Engineering & Sustainable Management (Master)  
URL: english/study/incomings/international-degree-programs/#c30211
Advanced Green Engineering & Sustainable Management (Master)The Master's degree program "Advanced Green Engineering and Sustainable Management" builds on the BA program "Green…  
4106. International Degree Programmes - Green Engineering & Sustainable Management (Bachelor)  
URL: english/study/incomings/international-degree-programs/#c28467
Green Engineering & Sustainable Management (Bachelor) Our Bachelor's degree in "Green Engineering and Sustainable Management" is designed to create opportunities for students interested in…  
4107. Internationale Studiengänge - Languages and Business Administration (Bachelor)  
URL: studium/internationales/internationales-profil/internationale-studiengaenge/#c13412
Languages and Business Administration (Bachelor) Im Bachelorstudiengang, der sowohl Sprachkenntnisse als auch wirtschaftliches Grundwissen vermittelt kannst du zwischen drei Studienschwerpunkten…  
4108. Internationale Studiengänge - Internet of Things & Smart Systems (Master)  
URL: studium/internationales/internationales-profil/internationale-studiengaenge/#c28442
Internet of Things & Smart Systems (Master) Sei es Industrieanlagen effektiv aus der Ferne zu überwachen, eine Fahrzeugflotte zu verfolgen oder logistische Lieferketten aufrechtzuerhalten. Das…  
4109. Internationale Studiengänge - Advanced Green Engineering & Sustainable Management (Master)  
URL: studium/internationales/internationales-profil/internationale-studiengaenge/#c30210
Advanced Green Engineering & Sustainable Management (Master) Der Master-Studiengang "Advanced Green Engineering and Sustainable Management" baut auf dem Bachelor-Studiengang "Green…  
4110. Internationale Studiengänge  
URL: studium/internationales/internationales-profil/internationale-studiengaenge/#c13403
Die Westsächsische Hochschule Zwickau (WHZ) bietet einige Studiengänge mit internationalem Profil: englischsprachige Studiengänge integrierte Auslandsaufenthalte Doppelabschlüsse oder Joint…  
Suchergebnisse 4101 bis 4110 von 20391