Actual draft of program of the DAAD Alumni Week "WHZ & KAFU- International 2023"
Event location: Kazakh-American Free University (KAFU) in Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kasachstan
Official language of the conference presentations: English
Languages of communication: German, English and/or Russian
Tuesday, 12. September 2023
Time | Topic |
N.N. | Arrival day Individual trip to Ust-Kamenogorsk (Kaz.), Arrival during the day, Check-in at a hotel. |
Wednesday, 13. September 2023
Time | Topic |
N:N | Individual arrival from hotel to the campus of the Kazakh-American Free University (KAFU) Meeting point: KAFU-Campus (Ust-Kamenogorsk, 070000, M. Gorky str., 76 link ru, link dt) |
09:30 | Meeting and Registration Meeting point: Large auditorium of KAFU, main building (link ru, link dt) |
10:00 | Opening Ceremony Founder and President of KAFU, Mr. Prof. Dr. Mambetkaziev Yereshep Alkhairovich (former Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan) Governor of East Kazakhstan region, Mr. Yermek Kosherbayev/Zhaksylyk Omar Head of the Project, Mr. Prof. Dr. Christian Brauweiler, University of Applied Sciences Zwickau (WHZ), Honorary Doctor and Honorary Professor of KAFU Vice President of KAFU for international relations and of Co-Serve International (USA), Mr. Prof. Dr. Daniel Ballast Dr. Claudia Winkelmann, WHZ and Mr. Stefan Noack, MA, WHZ and PhD student of KAFU and Aizhan Chettykbaeva and Yulia Engel, International Office of KAFU: organization team Meeting point: Large auditorium of KAFU, main building (link ru, link dt) |
11:45 | Presentation Main Tasks of International Activity of an University Mr. Serik Abilov, Co-Head of the Project and Head of the International Office of KAFU Meeting point: Large auditorium of KAFU, main building (link ru, link dt) |
12:15 | Lunch break (seft-financing via paid daily allowance) Meeting point: Cafeteria of KAFU |
12:15 | Administrative Work of DAAD Grand Collecting outstanding invoices for cash-payment of travel grant and on-site-support on the following day Meeting point: Large auditorium of KAFU, main building (link ru, link dt) |
13:30 | Presentation "Aging Society, Demographical Change and the Health Care System – Perspective of Germany" Mr. Prof. Dr. Tom Schaal, Professor for Health Care Management, University of Applied Sciences Zwickau + Discussion Meeting point: Large auditorium of KAFU, main building (link ru, link dt) |
15:00 | Coffee Break (free of charge) |
15:15 | Presentation "Virtual Reality … what’s all the fuzz about?" Mr. Prof. Dr. Sven Hellbach, Professor for Informatics and Intelligent Systems, University of Applied Sciences Zwickau + Discussion Meeting point: Large auditorium of KAFU, main building (link ru, link dt) |
16:15 | Presentation "Applying the technologies of Virtual and Augmented reality in education"Mr. Ruslan Chettykbayev, PhD Student, Docent at KAFU + Discussion Meeting point: Large auditorium of KAFU, main building (link ru, link dt) |
17:15 | Keynote lecture DAAD Alumni: "The Republic Uzbekistan: Diversification and Support of the Export of Goods and Services" Mr. Prof. Dr. Ubaydullah Nadirkhanov, Tashkent State Transport University, Uzbekistan DAAD Alumnus + Discussion Meeting point: Large auditorium of KAFU, main building (link ru, link dt) |
18:00 | Summary of the day and closing remarks Meeting point: Large auditorium of KAFU, main building (link ru, link dt) |
18:30 | Informal dinner and social gathering of the participants Restaurant La Festa (food is free of charge; drinks have to paid by yourself) Meeting point: Foyer of KAFU (link ru, link dt) |
Thursday, 14. September 2023
Time | Topic |
09:00 | Meeting and Registration Meeting point: Large auditorium of KAFU, main building (link ru, link dt) |
09:20 | Presentation "Multilinguality-Education exemplified at Turkmenistan" Mr. Dr. Raimond Selke, Lector for German as a foreign language, Nationales D. Azadi-Institut für Weltsprachen, Faculty for European Foreign Languages and Literature, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan Meeting point: Large auditorium of KAFU, main building (link ru, link dt) |
10:30 | Online presentation "Sustainability and Supply Chain Management" Mr. Alexander Neske, Manager at Scheer GmbH, Germany, PhD Student at KAFU Meeting point: Large auditorium of KAFU, main building (link ru, link dt) |
11:30 | Presentation "Effective group decision making: Simulation decision making activity and discussion" Ms. Julia Novitskaya, Lecturer in foreign languages; Head of the Foreign Languages Department at KAFU Meeting point: Large auditorium of KAFU, main building (link ru, link dt) |
12:30 | Lunch break (seft-financing via paid daily allowance) Meeting point: Cafeteria of KAFU |
13:15 | Presentation "International Project Management – Insides of a Transnational University Project between Germany, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Georgia and Armenia" Head of the Project, Mr. Prof. Dr. Christian Brauweiler, University of Applied Sciences Zwickau (WHZ), Honorary Doctor and Honorary Professor of KAFU Mr. Stefan Noack, PhD Student at KAFU, Scientific Researcher, University of Applied Sciences Zwickau Meeting point: Large auditorium of KAFU, main building (link ru, link dt) |
13:45 | DAAD Grand Payment of travel grants Ms. Dr. Claudia Winkelmann, WHZ & Mr. Stefan Noack, MA, WHZ und PhD student of KAFU and Aizhan Chettykbaeva and Yulia Engel, International Office Meeting point: International Office of KAFU, main building room 306 (link ru, link dt) |
15:30 | City tour Ust Kamenogorsk Ms. Aizhan Chettykbaeva and Ms. Yulia Engel - International Office of KAFU Meeting point: Foyer of KAFU (link ru, link dt) |
17:30 | Official dinner and networking of alumni and newly enrolled students of the IDEA program Restaurant Karina (Protozanov Street 11, Öskemen link dt) (food is free of charge; drinks have to paid by yourself) Meeting point: Foyer of KAFU (link ru, link dt) |
Friday, 15. September 2023
Time | Topic |
09:00 | Meeting and Registration Meeting point: Large auditorium of KAFU, main building (link ru, link dt) |
09:15 | Presentation: "Presentation of the water laboratoty" Ms. Prof. Dr. Valentina Kolpakova – Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan + Discussion Meeting point: Large auditorium of KAFU, main building (link ru, link dt) |
10:45 | Coffee Break (free of charge) |
11:00 | Presentation "Digitalization of Management Control Systems" Mr. Prof. Dr. Kai Nobach, Professor for Controlling and General Business Administration, Technische Hochschule Nürnberg Georg Simon Ohm, Germany + Discussion Meeting point: Large auditorium of KAFU, main building (link ru, link dt) |
12:00 | Lunch break (seft-financing via paid daily allowance) Meeting point: Cafeteria of KAFU |
13:30 | Presentation "Importance of International Student and Staff Exchange - Experiences from 30 Years of American-Kazakh Exchange and 10 Years of German-Kazakh Exchange at KAFU – Servant Leadership Program" Mr. Prof. Dr. Daniel Ballast, Founder and Vice Präsident of KAFU + Discussion Meeting point: Large auditorium of KAFU, main building (link ru, link dt) |
14:30 | Coffee Break (free of charge) |
15:15 | Presentation "Visit of the new IT-Hub from Ust-Kamenogorsk" Mr. Didar Muratuly, Lecturer of KAFU, Kazakhstan + Discussion Meeting point: Large auditorium of KAFU, main building (link ru, link dt) |
16:15 | Summary of the day and closing remarks Meeting point: Foyer of KAFU, main building (link ru, link dt) address: Kazakhstan 59/1 (3rd floor) |
16:30 | Cultural Event Walk to the Ethnic Park of Ust-Kamenogorsk Networking and chatting Ms. Aizhan Chettykbaeva and Ms. Yulia Engel – International Office of KAFU Meeting point: IT-Hup of KAFU, main building (link ru, link dt) |
17:30 | Individual free time |
18:30 | Farewell party Informal get-together, networking, socializing Restaurant Qurt & Wine (link) (food is free of charge; drinks have to paid by yourself) Meeting point: Foyer of KAFU (link ru, link dt) |
Saturday, 16. September 2023
Time | Topic |
09:00 | Meeting and Registration Meeting point: Large auditorium of KAFU, main building (link ru, link dt) |
09:15 | Presentation "New Agenda of Global Connectivity: Science-Based Solutions in Cross-Border Cooperation" Mr. Prof. Dr. Sos Khachikyan, Head of the Chair of Macroeconomics and Coordinator of the Center for Digital Transformation and Data Analyses, Armenian State University of Economics (ASUE) Meeting point: Large auditorium of KAFU, main building (link ru, link dt) |
10:15 | Coffee Break (free of charge) |
10:30 | Evaluation study - feedback discussion on program, continuation, etc. All alumni, lecturers, presenters and participants Meeting point: Large auditorium of KAFU, main building (link ru, link dt) |
12:00 | Lunch break (seft-financing via paid daily allowance) Meeting point: Cafeteria of KAFU |
13:30 | Awarding of participation certificates Head of the Project Mr. Prof. Dr. Christian Brauweiler, WHZ, Honorary Doctor and Honorary Professor of KAFU Meeting point: Large auditorium of KAFU, main building (link ru, link dt) |
14:30 | Farewell speech Rector of KAFU, Mr. Prof. Dr. Aidar Mambetkaziev Deputy Head of the Project, Mr. Serik Abilov, Head of the international department of KAFU Head of the Project, Mr. Prof. Dr. Christian Brauweiler, WHZ, Honorary Doctor and Honorary Professor of KAFU Meeting point: Large auditorium of KAFU, main building (link ru, link dt) |
15:00 | Individual free time |
Sunday, 17. September 2023
Time | Topic |
N.N | Individual free time Options: City sightseeing shopping tour tour in the countryside / suburb of Ust Kamenogorski (or individual departures for those who need to leave earlier) |
Monday, 18. September 2023
Time | Topic |
N.N | Departure day Individual departure |
Here you can download the actual draft of program as PDF
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Here you can download the campus plan of KAFU as PDF
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Subject to change without notice!
Project managent
Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Dr. h.c. mult. H.-Christian Brauweiler
Chair of Business Administration, esp. Accounting and Internal Auditing
Campus Scheffelstraße, West Saxon University of Applied Sciences Zwickau (Univ. of Applied Sciences)
+49 (0) 375 536 3541
Organisation team
Claudia Winkelmann, Dipl.-Ing., Projectcoordinator (WHZ)
Yuliya Engel, DaF-Lecturer, Chair of Foreign Language (KAFU)
Aizhan Chettykbayeya, Head of the International Office (KAFU)
Postal address
West Saxon University of Applied Sciences Zwickau
Faculty of Economics
PSF 20 10 37
08012 Zwickau
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