Actual draft of program of the DAAD Alumni Week "WHZ & KAFU- International 2023"

Event location: Kazakh-American Free University (KAFU) in Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kasachstan
Official language of the conference presentations: English
Languages of communication: German, English and/or Russian

Here you can download the actual draft of program as PDF

Here you can download the campus plan of KAFU as PDF

Subject to change without notice!

Project managent

Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Dr. h.c. mult. H.-Christian Brauweiler
Chair of Business Administration, esp. Accounting and Internal Auditing
Campus Scheffelstraße, West Saxon University of Applied Sciences Zwickau (Univ. of Applied Sciences)
+49 (0) 375 536 3541

Organisation team

Claudia Winkelmann, Dipl.-Ing., Projectcoordinator (WHZ)
Yuliya Engel, DaF-Lecturer, Chair of Foreign Language (KAFU)
Aizhan Chettykbayeya, Head of the International Office (KAFU)

Postal address
West Saxon University of Applied Sciences Zwickau
Faculty of Economics
PSF 20 10 37
08012 Zwickau

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