
All enrolled students must re-register within the specified period. Failure to re-register on time will result in de-registration. Re-registration takes place when the semester fee is transferred.

Re-registration period for summer semester 2025: 01.01.2025 to 15.02.2025

Please note that your semester/tuition fee must be booked in the student services portal by 15.02.2025 to avoid an additional administrative fee. The additional administrative fee of €15.00 will be charged for late re-registration (according to the Fee and Charges Regulation dated July 3rd, 2019).

Instructions and information about the password, changing the password, lost or expired password can be found here.

Payee: HK Sachsen/WHZ
IBAN:DE22 8600 0000 0086 0015 22
Credit institution: Deutsche Bundesbank
Amount: You can find your individual semester fee in the student services portal.
Purpose of use:20251/00xxxxx/7094.0111.5890
(for xxxxx please use the personal matriculation number from your student ID)

Contacts for queries

Contacts for queries:
Faculties: AMB und PTI
Eugenia Jakob
Phone: 0375 536 1186

Faculties: AKS, ELT, GPW, KFT SPR und WIW
Anke Zenker
Phone: 0375 536 1185

Upon re-registration, every student can apply for a refund according to the deadlines and requirements of § 4 of the Studentenwerk Chemnitz-Zwickau Fee Regulations, submitting the necessary evidence.

For questions regarding the refund please contact the Studentenwerk:
Ms. Immenroth, Phone: 0375 2710 519
E-Mail: Simone.Immenroth[at]

You can apply for a tuition fee refund by sending an e-mail to the student services stating your IBAN:

Contacts for queries:
Faculties: AMB und PTI
Eugenia Jakob
Phone: 0375 536 1186

Faculties: AKS, ELT, GPW, KFT SPR und WIW
Anke Zenker
Phone: 0375 536 1185