Christine Orlowski, M.A.

Lehrkraft für besondere Aufgaben – Wirtschaftsenglisch
+49 375 536 3458
+49 375 536 47 3104
Campus Eckersbach
Haus 5, Raum 5220
Scheffelstraße 39
08066 Zwickau
- Combined Honours Bachelor’s degree of Communication and Cultural Studies
- study exchange at UAS Krems, Austria in 2012
- Master of Arts (M.A.) in Communication Studies at Wilfrid Laurier University in 2015, Canada, research thesis: international students constructed as cosmopolitan citizens
- 2016 worked at the global think tank, Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI)
- 2017 Conestoga College’s Student Engagement Department for Community Initiatives
- 2018 WHZ teaching assignment for Business English
- since 2018, teaching assignment in Languages and General Studies at HTWK Leipzig, intercultural communication, English for civil engineering and architecture, and media history
- since 2020, employed as Instructor for Business English and electives at WHZ
Fach- und Forschungsschwerpunkte/ Research Areas:
- Business English
- Intercultural Communication
- Globalization and Global Perspectives