
Dipl.-Inf. (FH) Claudia Tittmann 

Fachgruppe Wirtschaftsinformatik

Informatikstudium mit Spezialisierung Betriebswirtschaft an der Westsächsischen Hochschule Zwickau


  • E-Learning (Administration und Anwenderbetreuung, speziell Moodle)
  • Lehrgebietsbezogene Aufgaben Wirtschaftsinformatik (u.a. E-Commerce, Informationssysteme, Software-Engineering)
  • Hard- und Softwarekoordination und -betreuung an der Fakultät WiW
  • Anwendungsprogrammierung


+49 375 536 3323

Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten:

derzeit Promotion auf dem Gebiet Wissensmanagement

  • Breunig, A., Rutsch, A., Tittmann, C., et al. (2010). The Fair Educational Value Approach in Distance Education. GUIDE Workshop 2010, Rome / Italy.
  • Rutsch, A., Schumann, C.-A., Tittmann, C. (2010). The epistemological-based change in educational theory and practice. LET2010 - The first international theorising education conference. Stirling, Scottland.
  • Schumann, C.-A., Tittmann, C. (2010). Evolution analysis of knowledge potentials by pattern matrices. ECKM2010 - European Conference on Knowledge Management, Famalicao, Portugal.
  • Schumann, C.-A., Tittmann, C., Tittmann, S. (2010). Horizontally and vertically integration of transfer hubs in knowledge networks. University Review 4(3): 29-34.
  • Schumann, C.-A., Kassel, S., Teich, T., Tittmann, C., et al. (2009). Transformation management of interdisciplinary product lifecycle modelling and application in ICT and VR environments. ECEC 2009, Bruges / Belgium.
  • Schumann, C.-A., Schmucker, D., Tittmann, C., et al. (2009). M-Learning: Technische Konzeption zur Kommunikation in einer mobilen Lernumgebung. 04. Kongress Multimediatechnik. Wismar, Germany: 9.
  • Schumann, C.-A., Schmucker, D., Tittmann, C., et al. (2009). Model-driven mobile expansion of knowledge flows in educational networks. e-Learning09, Berlin.
  • Schumann, C.-A., Tittmann, C. (2009). Structures and regularities of knowledge flows. Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Knowledge Management. E. Bolisani and E. Scarso. Reading, Academic Publishing Limited: 765-775.
  • Tittmann, C., Schumann, C.-A. (2009). Potentials for Externalizing and Measuring of Tacit Knowledge within Knowledge Nodes in the context of Knowledge Networks. Cultural Implications of Knowledge Sharing, Management and Transfer. D. Harorimana. Hershey, IGI Global: 84-107.
  • Kassel, S., Winkelmann, S., Tittmann, C. (2008). Decentralized Building of Complex Software Systems - an eCommerce Case Study. CEISIE2008, Gunagzhou / China.
  • Schumann, C.-A., Tittmann, C. (2008). Agile and intelligent networks for Information Literacy by Knowledge Sharing. ECKM 2008, Southampton / GB.
  • Schumann, C.-A., Tittmann, C., Tittmann, S. (2008). E-Education Competence Clusters as Transfer Hubs for Methodical and Informations Literacy. GUIDE International Workshop 2008, Universität Marconi / Italien.
  • Schumann, C.-A., Tittmann, C., Tittmann, S. (2008). Inter-Sectoral modelling and collaboration competence networks. EDEN 2008, Lissabon / Portugal.
  • Schumann, C.-A., Tittmann, C., Tittmann, S. (2008). Merger of Knowledge Network and Users Support for Lifelong Learning Services. Learning to live in the knowledge society. M. Kendall and B. Samways. Berlin, Springer Verlag.
  • Schumann, C.-A., Tittmann, C., Tittmann, S. (2008). Merger of Knowledge Network and Users Support for Lifelong Learning Services. IFIP 2008, Mailand / Italien.
  • Schumann, C.-A., Tittmann, C., Tittmann, S., et al. (2008). Design of a strategy to ensure access to education by creating distance education services. EDEN 5th Research Workshop 2008.