Vertr.-Prof. Dr. Krystin Zigan

Vertretungsprofessorin und Lehrkraft für besondere Aufgaben
+49 375 536 3505
+49 375 536 47 3104
Campus Eckersbach
Haus 6, Raum 6312
Scheffelstraße 39
08066 Zwickau
Curriculum Vitae:
Since Sep 2022 | Interim Professor, University of Applied Sciences Zwickau |
Since March 2022 | Senior Lecturer, University of Applied Sciences Zwickau |
2010-2022 | Senior Lecturer, Strategic Management, University of Kent Business School, UK |
2020 | Senior Fellowship of Higher Education Academy, UK |
2008-2010 | Director, Dean's Office, at Jacobs Center on Lifelong Learning and Institutional Development, Jacobs University Bremen |
2004-2008 | PhD in strategic management, University of Surrey, School of Management, UK |
1998-2003 | Diplom Kauffrau, University of Potsdam |
Research interests:
- Leadership and Followership
- Performance Management
- Social Responsibility
- Intellectual Capital Theory
- Strategic Management of Online Reviews
- Social issues such as EDI (focus on disability), suicide (focus on suicide prevention through cross-sector collaboration) and inclusive growth in tourism
- Research contexts: Tourism and hospitality, health care industry, faith-based organisations, Higher Education Providers
Dr. Zigan has published her work in leading academic journals (including Tourism Management, Journal of Travel Research, Journal of Business Ethics and Work, Employment and Society) and presented her work at international conferences such as the Academy of Management.
Recent Publications:
Zigan, K., Héliot, Y. G., & Le Grys, A. (2024). Followership in British Christian churches: A comparative study. Nonprofit Management and Leadership,1–34.
Zigan, K., Heliot, Y., and Le Grys, A. (2021) When values and ethics of care conflict: A lived experience in the Roman Catholic Church. Work, Employment and Society, 1-10.
Ko, Y-C., Zigan, K., Liu, Y-L. (2021) Carbon capture and storage in South Africa: A technological innovation system with a political economy focus. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 166,
Thieme, J., Hampton, M., Stoian, C., and Zigan, K. (2020) The Political Economy of backpacker tourism: Explorations of tourism actors' embeddedness in Colombia. Current Issues in Tourism,
Recent Conference Presentations:
Zigan, K., Sobhy Temerak, M., Hammedi, W. (2024) Role synchrony explored for autistic employees working on front line roles. Academy of Marketing Conference, Cardiff, UK.
Phillips, P., Zigan, K. Nuno, A., Elbanna, S. (2023) Trends and patterns of past hospitality and tourism research and future landscape: A data science approach, Annual International CHRIE Summer Conference, Phoenix, Arizona.
Temerak, M., Zigan, K., Hammedi, W., Gremler, D. (2023) Boosting the compatibility of disabled employees in the customer-facing job roles: A dual perspective, Frontiers in Service, Maastricht, Belgium.
Tarominejadshirazi, S., Seitanidi, M., Zigan, K. (2023) Sensemaking challenges in dealing with social issues within and across organisations, British Academy of Management Conference, Brighton, UK.
Thieme, J. Hampton, M., Stoian, C. and Zigan, K. (2023) Tourism and inclusive growth in Colombia’s backpacker sector: Evidence from pre- and post-Covid. Conference on Bringing Hospitality, Tourism, Transport and Events Back for Good, University of Surrey, UK.