
ISP DAY ONE – German team (Project SHARPEN)

This year again, 5 students from WHZ are participating in the SHARPEN project and the project week (ISP – Intensive Study Period). After Zwickau and Finland, this year we are travelling to Lithuania. On Sunday, the German SHARPEN team left Zwickau for our journey to the coastal town of Klaipeda, Lithuania.

After leaving by bus at 5:00 am on Sunday morning we took the plane to Riga (Latvia) and then again the bus to our destination. It was great to share the bus with our friends from the Finish team from KAMK, as we could already get to know one another.

Monday was the first day of the ISP and we had a great time meeting all the other students and teachers as well as participating in our first workshops on intercultural communication and HRM in SMEs. The Lithuanian university SMK did such an amazing job welcoming all of us to their hometown! In the evening we had an international food bazar where we presented some special German delights such as “Pumpernickel” and “Hallorenkugeln”.

For entertainment we enjoyed a lovely performance by a traditional Lithuanian folk group. We are looking forward to the following days of our ISP week!!