Big Blue Button (video conference system)

New BBB system with more flexible planning component

The new BigBlueButton system at WHZ is more flexible when planning rooms.

Each staff member can create as many rooms as desired very easily and send invitations even to participants without a WHZ account, which makes the application scenarios more flexible, e.g. for public relations, events with external participants, cooperation scenarios, etc.

You can find the web conference servers via the following links:

SystemLinkRecordingRegistration of participants
BBBConfhttps://bbbconf.fh-zwickau.deYesName free to choose


If you are planning an event where only members of WHZ should participate with their real name, use:

You can use the system for courses, ( verbal) exams, staff interviews + meetings, as well as for public relations.

Training videos

1. Login

You can log in to the system using the button in the upper right corner with your normal WHZ login.

2. Use/create meeting rooms

After logging in, you can use the personal start room created for you automatically or create new rooms as needed.

3. Invite participants

Click the start room or the created room to display a generated link for the corresponding room. You can send this by email to invite the conferees.

4. Start meeting room

Click the room where you want to start a conference and then click the "Start" button.

5. Attend the meeting

To join a conference (already started), please enter your name and click the "Join" button.

6. Control system in the conference room

With the "-" button at the top right you can hide the presentation if you want to see only the webcams of the participants.

On the left side you can see the participants in the conference.

In addition, the public chat is available at this point.

At the bottom you can see the media controls to turn on/off audio or video.

Furthermore, you can upload and display your presentation there.