Section German as a Foreign Language

Our offer I: General and subject-related language courses German as a Foreign Language

The section of German as a Foreign Language (DaF) supports international and refugee prospective students, students and interested guest students in learning German according to the standards of the European Framework of Reference (CEFR).

We offer a wide range of general and subject-related language courses in preparatory and accompanying courses. We use placement tests to help learners decide on the right language course. Individual language learning is also promoted by organising language learning tandems and learning and language counselling.

If you need advice on the German courses or the German tests, please contact: Ines Busch-Lauer or Janina M. Vernal Schmidt.

Our offer II: The major German Business Communication in the Bachelor's degree programme Languages and Business Administration

German Business Communication in times of skilled worker shortage

In a German society characterised by transnational mobility and migration, learning German is considered a key qualification for immigrants and international students. In order to be able to operate not only in everyday life but also in the world of work, profound technical language skills are necessary in specialised fields of work. Language as a means of communication plays an important role in all domains. At the same time, German companies and businesses around the world are becoming increasingly diverse and multilingual. It is well known that work teams with diverse competences and cultural-linguistic backgrounds inspire the innovative power of companies and businesses. All this is becoming more and more virulent against the backdrop of digital and ecological structural change and, above all, due to demographic change in Germany. The labour market already has fewer and fewer people available to work, while the demand for qualified skilled workers is increasing nationwide and the situation is getting worse. The special significance of the German Business Communication (GBC) specialisation lies in the training of precisely these urgently needed qualified specialists. We ensure that the technical language competences are developed in close connection with intercultural and diversity competences, via innovative and digital learning among the students. Thanks to its regional roots and international orientation, the practical relevance of the degree programme and the many opportunities for inter-faculty cooperation, the University of Applied Sciences Zwickau is an attractive educational anchor in the region.

An inclusive, diversity-sensitive and digital orientation

It is to our concern to shape the GBA major with an inclusive, diversity-sensitive and digital orientation. The goal is to educate students in a future-oriented and sustainable manner. As the language entry requirements are low, German language skills at A2 level and English language skills at B2 level (CEFR) are required, our degree programme is open to a large number of people who otherwise have little chance of studying or continuing their studies in Germany (e.g. interrupted for reasons of flight). The advantage here is that the programme is small and thus a strongly learner-centred and familiar atmosphere can be created, in which we can respond well to the needs of the individual students.

Our contribution to internationalisation

Through our wide-ranging cooperation with universities from all over the world, which is to be further expanded, we address a diverse student body with our WKD study focus. In this way, our students can benefit from the wide-ranging competences and knowledge as well as the international networks and diverse experiences of their fellow students. They learn how to deal with, recognise and value the diversity of their fellow students not only in the company or business, but already during their studies. 

Learn more on the German Business Communication major here

If you need any advice on the German Business Communication programme, please contact us at Janina M. Vernal Schmidt.

Our team Janina Miriam Vernal SchmidtProfessor for German as a Foreign Language (Schwerpunkt Wirtschaftskommunikation im multilingualen Kontext)Zi. PKB 425
+49 375 536 3560
Dr. Thomas EdelingLehrkraft für besondere Aufgaben
Deutsch als Fremdsprache
Zi. PKB 422 Kornmarkt 1
+49 375 536 1069
Valentina KnorrLehrkraft für besondere Aufgaben
Deutsch als Fremdsprache
Zi. PKB 421 Kornmarkt 1
+49 375 536 1368
Sandra Braun

Lehrkraft für besondere Aufgaben

Deutsch als Fremdsprache

Zi. PKB 424

+49 375 536 1358


Ruslan RiaboshapkaStudentische HilfskraftKontakt